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The Eyebrow Painting Phenomenon: A Hairdresser in Egypt Stuns Social Media with her Superior Skills

It seems that eyebrow painting has become an irreplaceable art and fashion in the world of beauty. We have seen many techniques and styles that have taken over social media, including wavy eyebrows, rounded eyebrows, and more. But among these styles, there seems to be a hairdresser in Egypt who was able to attract attention with her superior skills in this field.

In a recently circulated video clip, a woman appeared claiming to come from Abha, and she had traveled to Egypt specifically to visit this hairdresser and draw her eyebrows. And her reaction after the end was full of joy and satisfaction, as she thanked the hairdresser, saying: “Thank you, I am coming from Abha, especially for you.”

It was not just a passing video, as the video sparked widespread controversy among social media pioneers. Opinion was divided between supporters and opponents of the idea of ​​traveling just to draw eyebrows. While some saw it as an expression of personal freedom and the search for beauty, others considered it wasteful and extravagant.

In a message sent by the lady to the critics of the hairdresser, she said: “Shut up, Umm Sarm.” This shows us the extent of confidence and satisfaction she felt towards the hairdresser’s service and her unique experience.

2023-08-10 15:08:14
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