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Absurdity and Chaos: The Infecticide Trio Masters Synthpunk with a Touch of Cynicism

If we had to sum up the Infecticide trio, we would say that it’s a mix between chaos and absurdity, with a touch of cynicism necessary for the proper functioning of a synthpunk band. The Parisians master the art of mouthing with preeminence, for songs more absurd than each other.

This time, we’re doing it locally. The troublemakers behind Infecticide come to us from Paris and have a knack for livening up the evenings with “General Brawl” or “The Police Car”. With such a name, it was obvious that the editorial line would tend towards the absurd and dark humour. What is certain is that they don’t take themselves seriously, with their wacky costumes (which they make themselves) which they tend to change almost every concert. Ironic, when we know that they were present at the festival Let’s stay serious which took place at the beginning of July in several Parisian halls.

Ruckus, do you want some here

It’s in 2007 that the story starts, Donatien, Jacques and Thomas then tweak songs which speak as well of fights as of death on the title “Mourir c’est null”. But it wasn’t until 2014 that they collected these 15 songs to make their first album on the label. Da ! Heard It et inti­t­ulé sad chansons. A skilful mix between new wave, electronics and above all a lot of casualness, it’s always a pleasure to see them play live. Two other equally excellent albums followed. Heart Hair (2016) and more recently Fin­ger Bueno (2020) and also a side project The FAT. Infecticide is also more than 25 costumes made since their debut in 2010 ranging from the cockroach to the McDonald’s crew member or even freshly, in Marianne at the Supersonic last July. With this group, they never intended to make a slot machine out of it and always saw it as a hobby, which is also probably why they take themselves so little seriously. What we hope is that they will never lose their sense of humor, the trademark of these three agitators, which is a good reminder of the absurdity of life.

To read also: Listening: Yard, four Irish in the wind between noise and techno

2023-08-09 21:01:07
#Listening #Infecticide #general #fight #atmosphere

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