Home » Entertainment » Funny Story: Actress Veronika Žilková Almost Fined for Riding Subway with Senior Ticket

Funny Story: Actress Veronika Žilková Almost Fined for Riding Subway with Senior Ticket

Veronika Žilková shared a funny story on social networks. She almost got fined for riding the subway with a senior ticket. The auditor refused to believe that the actress was over 60 years old. Finally she had to show him the documents.

Actress Veronika Žilková will celebrate her 62nd birthday in October. She looks absolutely great for her age and few would say that she is already a grandmother several times over. Even the inspector in the Prague metro did not believe this and wanted to fine her for not being entitled to a discounted ticket for passengers over 60 years of age.

“Funny story. On Monday, the inspector in the subway thought I had an invalid ticket, because only passengers 60+ can ride it,” she confided in social networks Žilkova.

In the end, she didn’t get the fine, she showed the inspector her ID and he couldn’t believe his eyes. “He made me happy that I had to prove that I’m 60+,” the actress admitted that the whole argument in the subway actually flattered her.

The funny story also amused most of her fans, but they stood up for the mistaken reviewer. “You look like 40, so don’t be surprised,” one of her followers wrote to the actress. “You look great,” added another.

According to fans, Žilková has to get used to the fact that people will estimate her younger age. “I think you will have to legitimize yourself even at an older age,” another commenter told the artist.

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2023-08-08 12:22:00
#comical #argument #reviewer #Žilková #recognize #discount #senior #citizens #TN.cz

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