Posted on 03.08.2023 at 09:13 by Linda Manga
Since July, intercity carriers have decided to increase ticket prices for travel within the country.
15,000 to 18,000 FCFA is now the price a traveler pays to get to Oyem or Bitam. And 40,000 to 50,000 CFA francs to travel from Libreville to Lastourville and Moanda. According to an article published by the Gabon Media Time website, travelers explained that the fare prices were “ 12000 to 14000 FCFA to travel to Oyem “. But since the holiday period, prices have increased. This situation hurts travelers who no longer know which way to go. They are therefore calling on the public authorities to review this situation. And deplores the return of the train because, with these transports, they find themselves ” crammed into buses and sometimes without convenience “says a passenger.
According to information relayed on the Gabon Media Time website, the “ agencies that provide intercity passenger transit are relying on the current strong demand to outbid “. These carriers decide to raise prices without government permission. According to these carriers, it is because of the ” road checks and the tax on transport levied by the town hall of Libreville “, we learn on the site.
It should be noted that the General Directorate of Road Safety (DGSR) recently undertook to raise awareness among intercity carriers of the dangers associated with the road.