Cure with brewer’s yeast. When you are sick or feeling tired, a highly effective natural remedy is brewer’s yeast. It is very good, not only for revitalizing and detoxifying the body, but also for treating many diseases.
Brewer’s yeast contains almost the entire range of essential amino acids, the entire complex of B vitamins, vitamins D, H, E, mineral enzymes in assimilable form, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, selenium, chromium, zinc, tamine, fiber , proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.
Whether fresh, dried or in tablet form, brewer’s yeast has miraculous effects on health.
Taken regularly, it has miraculous effects in treating and ameliorating many ailments. A cure with brewer’s yeast lasts a minimum of 10 days and a maximum of 30 days, after which there is a week’s break, after which the cure can be resumed.
Fresh yeast is consumed with honey. Thus: add two teaspoons of honey to one teaspoon of yeast, rubbing the mixture until a homogeneous paste is obtained. The daily dose for an adult is 3 teaspoons of yeast, which is administered on an empty stomach, before the main meals.
Dry yeast is dissolved in half a liter of fresh vegetable juice, fruit, tea or yogurt. Two teaspoons of dry yeast powder are used, mixed well with the juice and consumed during the day in 3 portions, before the main meals. The amount left over from one administration is kept in the refrigerator.
Brewer’s yeast is considered by some researchers to be a real medicine in the treatment of malignant tumor diseases. It is helpful for cancer patients who have undergone or are undergoing radiation (this has fewer adverse effects when combined with daily consumption of brewer’s yeast, a minimum of 6 teaspoons per day). Yeast was also found to protect mucous membranes.
Brewer’s yeast is useful in anemia. It is known that yeast is a remedy rich in minerals and vitamins, helping to metabolize them correctly. A 3-week cure is made with brewer’s yeast.
Administered before main meals, it reduces appetite. If administered after a meal, it increases appetite.
It saves you from colds and infectious diseases. Selenium, as well as other vitamins contained in yeast, greatly increase the body’s resistance to any kind of infection. Administer 3 teaspoons of fresh yeast per day for 2-3 weeks.
Yeast has also shown its effectiveness in infections with liver viruses (viral hepatitis A, B and C). The consumption of brewer’s yeast regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood. It also brings the blood pressure to normal values and favors the activity of the myocardium.
Yeast can also get rid of unpleasant acne. It is consumed internally, but also externally. Make masks from 2 teaspoons of brewer’s yeast, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of honey. The mixture is homogenized, after which it is spread on the skin. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water.
The vitamin B complex and anti-oxidants in the yeast are a real help in improving cellular metabolism in the skin (dermatological conditions). 1-month cures are made with brewer’s yeast (4 teaspoons per day), with a week break, writes
2023-08-06 22:43:45
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