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Violent Argument Erupts in Frankfurt After Denial of Kiosk Access

Violent argument in Frankfurt: Because a man is denied access to a kiosk, he gets angry and pulls out a knife. The situation is getting out of control.

On Friday evening, there was a verbal and physical altercation between several people in front of a kiosk on Homburger Landstrasse in Frankfurt. Two men now have to answer for serious crimes, as the Frankfurt police announced on Sunday.

According to the police report, a 40-year-old kiosk operator and a 32-year-old man got into arguments around 7:50 p.m. The kiosk operator refused the attacker entry due to a house ban, whereupon the 32-year-old pulled out a knife and threatened the 40-year-old. The kiosk employee then fled into the sales room and locked it. The angry 32-year-old banged against the window panes of the shop.

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Other people who were at the kiosk then tried to drive the troublemaker away. They armed themselves with broomsticks and billiard cues. A 30-year-old threw a crate of drinks at the attacker and also used pepper spray against him.

The group of people followed the 32-year-old to Sigmund-Freud-Strasse, where the police finally stopped and checked them. The 32-year-old hit his head against a parked vehicle, which was damaged.

The injured 32-year-old was then taken to a hospital. He now has to answer on suspicion of dangerous bodily harm, threats and property damage. The 30-year-old kiosk visitor is also being investigated on suspicion of dangerous bodily harm. Further investigations should clarify whether further crimes were committed in the course of pursuing the attacker.

2023-08-06 14:37:05
#Dispute #front #Frankfurt #kiosk #escalates #man #pulls #knife #pepper #spray

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