I was just thinking about household contents insurance
should contact and ask whether the costs will be covered if the seed is stolen.
What do you think ?
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I’ve asked myself that too. If the seeds are stolen, only the value of the goods is probably insured (steel plate), possibly the safe that was cracked.
Have insurers ever thought about it?
Just ask the insurance company and they will tell you.
Otherwise they will only insure a certain € value – if at all. So do not replace 10 BTC if they are lost.
The insurance company would have to protect itself against any strong increases in value. Maybe by depositing BTC herself – maybe a model for the future? But such insurance would probably be very expensive…
Sounds like a gateway for insurance fraud too.
Have the seed “steal” nicely. And go for the coin join.
Can’t imagine insurance companies will cover this. Rather think that a larger market for custody will emerge – even if this is contrary to the actual idea of self-custody. But think that there is a market here. In particular because of the security provided by the custodian.
Ok, I’ll post the answer from the insurance company here.
Should be amusing
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2023-08-06 11:58:47
#Home #Insurance #Bitcoin