Ammon – The moon is considered one of the important natural planets for the planet Earth and man, as it provides many important benefits and positive effects:
The importance of moonlight for animals For many decades, researchers have worked to study the effects of moonlight on animals. Moonlight affects animal behavior such as lion prey, orientation of dung beetles, fish growth, and birdsong. Lunar light plays a role in determining breeding times, foraging, and communication between animals.
Determining the times of the tides: The tides are one of the largest effects caused by the moon on the earth’s surface, as the moon attracts the earth, causing rises and falls in sea level and water in the oceans and seas. This phenomenon affects the marine environment and determines a range of marine activities.
Providing a stable climate for the Earth: Thanks to the moon’s gravity, the Earth’s tilt is fixed at a somewhat stable point, which contributes to the stability of the climate and seasons on the Earth’s surface. Winds and clouds are affected by this stability, which contributes to creating an environment suitable for life.
The scientific status of the moon: The moon provides an opportunity for easy exploration of space, as things can be launched into space from the moon more easily due to its weaker gravity compared to Earth. It is believed that using the moon as a launch pad for spaceships can save more resources and time and contribute to the development of spaceflight.
A suitable place to study the stars: Since the moon’s atmosphere is very thin, it can be considered a suitable place for stargazing and astronomy. Establishing a star observatory on the surface of the moon will help obtain accurate information about the universe and a deeper understanding of cosmic phenomena.
These are some of the important benefits of the presence of the moon and its effects on the planet and life on it. Scientists and researchers continue to study the moon and its effects on the planet, contributing to our deeper understanding of the details of this close natural neighbor.