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Russian Mercenaries Suspected of Multiple Murders and Arson

Court orders‍ detention of two suspects in multiple murders in Russian village

A court has ordered the detention of two ⁢suspects⁣ in connection with a series of murders in a village in Russia. The suspects, Igor Sofonov and Maxim Bočkarjov, both deny the charges. According to ​reports, ‍both men have a long history of criminal activity.

Unofficial sources suggest that Sofonov ⁣may have been recruited into the war in Ukraine while serving a previous prison sentence, ⁢which would explain his sudden clean criminal record. It is reported that prisoners recruited into the war ⁢are granted amnesty by Russian President Vladimir Putin after serving a certain period of time on the battlefield.

Bočkarjov has previously ‍been convicted of drug​ trafficking‌ and rape. He has been seen wandering the village drunk in recent ⁢days. Local‍ residents have labeled both men as users of dangerous synthetic ⁤drugs known as “salts,” which are‍ popular ⁤among the ‌local ‌youth.

According to the reconstruction of events provided​ by Karelia.news, the incident ‌began with a fire at Arťom ⁣Tereščenko’s house, where investigators later found the bodies of two men with stab wounds. One version of events suggests that Arťom, Sofonov, and‌ Bočkarjov ‌were drinking together before a fight broke out. Another version ⁤suggests that the suspects broke into Arťom’s house,​ from which the children managed to ⁢escape. Arťom’s ​father, who went to investigate after the children arrived at his house, became an unintended victim. The fire was⁣ then used to cover up the double murder.

While firefighters and ⁤police were⁣ dealing with the first fire, another‍ house in the village caught fire. Four bodies were later found inside, all with knife wounds. The victims⁣ were identified as brothers Dmitrij (47) ⁣and Konstantin (42) Loninovi, their sister Svetlana (38), and Vladimir Sergejenko‍ (76), who also lived in ⁤the house. Investigators believe that the suspects entered the house ⁤by chance, leading to⁤ a conflict.

Local residents believe that the entire ⁤incident reflects the daily life of the village, which is filled ‌with alcohol, drugs, and idleness. They complain about the lack of streetlights, which creates a favorable environment for crime. The police have been praised for quickly identifying the suspects,⁤ who⁢ were apprehended in a neighboring‌ house. The website Karelia news added that it is possible that the police⁣ prevented further crimes by arresting the suspects.

According to Radio Svoboda, last summer, after several Russian defeats in Ukraine, the ‌Wagner Group, led by businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is considered close to President Putin, began recruiting prisoners and sending them to war. The prisoners were reportedly forbidden from retreating or surrendering under the threat of execution. They were promised freedom after⁣ six ⁢months of fighting.

It is estimated that between 50,000‌ and 70,000 prisoners were recruited ⁢into the Wagner Group. According to Prigozhin, 32,000 of them have already returned from the war and received amnesty.Tragédie ve vesnici: Wagnerovec podezřelý z vraždy rodin

Ve vesnici v Karelské republice došlo ⁣k hrůzné události, když dva ‍podezřelí muži údajně ubodali​ několik členů dvou rodin. Podle informací získaných ‍z neoficiálních zdrojů byli podezřelí, Igor Sofonov a ⁢Maxim Bočkarjov, nedávno vráceni‍ z války proti Ukrajině. Oba muži mají za sebou rozsáhlou kriminální minulost.

Sofonov ⁢byl pravděpodobně⁢ zverbován do války během svého pobytu ve vězení, což by mohlo vysvětlit jeho čistý trestní rejstřík. Podle médií dostávají trestanci, kteří byli zverbováni do války, milost‍ od ruského prezidenta Vladimira Putina po odsloužení určité⁣ doby na bojišti.

Bočkarjov byl v minulosti odsouzen za‌ prodej drog a znásilnění. Místní obyvatelé ho označují za​ uživatele nebezpečných‍ syntetických drog, které jsou rozšířené mezi místní​ mládeží.

Podle rekonstrukce událostí se první tragédie odehrála ve dvoře‍ domu Arťoma Tereščenka, kde byla nalezena těla⁤ dvou mužů s bodnými ranami. Další tragédie ‍se pak odehrála v dalším domě, kde⁣ byla nalezena čtyři těla s ranami způsobenými nožem. Mezi oběťmi byli bratři Dmitrij⁤ a Konstantin Loninovi, jejich sestra Svetlana a také jejich soused ⁣Vladimir Sergejenko.

Místní obyvatelé tvrdí, že tato tragédie odráží ‌každodenní život ve‌ vesnici, který je plný alkoholu, drog a zahálky. ​Kritizují také nedostatečné osvětlení ve vesnici, které podle nich přispívá k většímu výskytu zločinu.

Policie ⁣rychle vytipovala ⁤podezřelé ‍a zadržela je u sousedů hned vedle místa zločinu. Podle serveru Karelia news není vyloučeno, že tímto zásahem policie odvrátila další zločiny.

Rozhlasová stanice Rádio Svoboda informovala, ‌že loni v létě začala skupina Wagner, ‍která je‌ spojována s ruským podnikatelem Jevgenijem Prigožinem, verbovat vězně a posílat je do války na Ukrajině. Tito vězni měli⁣ pod hrozbou smrti‌ zakázáno ustupovat nebo se vzdávat a byla jim slíbena svoboda po půl⁢ roce bojů. Odhaduje​ se,⁢ že ⁢do Wagnerovy skupiny bylo naverbováno až 70 000 vězňů.

Tato tragédie ve vesnici ukazuje na problém s návratem bývalých žoldnéřů z války a jejich⁢ zapojením do těžkých zločinů.⁤ Je důležité, aby byla přijata opatření k ⁣prevenci takových událostí a aby ‌byli bývalí žoldnéři poskytnuti potřebná pomoc a rehabilitace po návratu z bojiště.
detail photograph

How does the recruitment of prisoners into the war in Ukraine contribute to the increase in crime rates ⁢in the village?

Village⁢ resident Arťom Tereščenko’s home ‌was set on fire, leading investigators to discover the bodies of two​ men ‍with stab wounds. It is believed that Arťom, Igor Sofonov,‌ and Maxim Bočkarjov were drinking together before a ⁣fight erupted. ‍Another ⁤theory suggests that the suspects broke into Arťom’s home, but the children managed to escape. Arťom’s father, who went to investigate, became an unintended victim. The fire ⁤was then used to cover up the double murder.

As authorities dealt with the first fire,​ another ‍house in the village caught fire, and four bodies were found inside with knife wounds. The victims were identified as brothers Dmitrij and Konstantin‌ Loninovi, their sister Svetlana, and Vladimir Sergejenko. Investigators believe ‌that the suspects entered the house by chance, resulting in a conflict.

Local residents believe that ⁤this incident reflects the daily life in the village, characterized by alcohol, drugs, and idleness. They complain about‌ the lack of streetlights, which contributes to the ⁢favorable environment for crime. The police have been praised for quickly identifying and arresting the suspects, ‍potentially preventing further crimes.

Unofficial ​sources suggest that ⁤Igor Sofonov may have been recruited into the war in Ukraine while serving a previous ⁤prison sentence. Prisoners recruited into the war are⁣ reportedly granted amnesty by Russian President Vladimir Putin after a certain period of ⁢time on the battlefield. Maxim Bočkarjov has a criminal record for‌ drug trafficking and rape.

Last summer, after⁣ Russian⁤ defeats in Ukraine, the Wagner Group, led by businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, began recruiting prisoners and sending them to war. It is estimated that between ⁣50,000 and 70,000 prisoners were recruited into the Wagner Group, with 32,000 of them⁣ having already ‍returned from the war and received amnesty.

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