When do we celebrate the holiday of capitalism? Strangely enough, just in these weeks, in the form of double premieres of films Oppenheimer a Barbie. Film journalists live in a more or less comfortable symbiosis with the film industry, so they routinely create the impression that this or that film will be an event. But this time they weren’t making it up.
If Barbie breaks sales records, Oppenheimer brings crowds of amateur experts on nuclear physics and the Cold War to the action. Journalists and influencers, who are otherwise on guard against the influence of corporate capitalism, are also charmed. Let’s not forget that this experience is served to us by the mammoth conglomerates Comcast and Warner Bros. Discovery, which together own half of the media and game brands you can think of. Barbie is owned by Mattel, the fifth largest toy manufacturer in the world. For one media cycle, a truce was made in the fight against capitalism, and the corporate wolf lay down with the alternative lamb. Hollywood needs this triumphant truce; he is not in his best years now.
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Both films of the successful double program are diametrically different and aimed at almost complementary audiences. So let’s just note that Barbie it’s had mixed reviews and we’ll continue to cover it Oppenheimer.
Christopher Nolan is one of the most outstanding contemporary directors, one of those exceptions whose name people come to the cinema today. “People in film distribution will tell you that the only directors who have a significant effect on big films are Nolan and Tarantino,” wrote film critic Sonny Bunch. “The Andersons,” said Wes and Paul Thomas, “have their art audience, Villeneuve never got a mainstream audience. Even Spielberg is on the decline.” So Nolan represents contemporary cinema, for better or for worse.
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Oppenheimer’s story touches on several topics about which the historical and social debate has never really ended in America – the morality of the development of nuclear weapons and their use against Japan, communist influence and the fight against it during the Cold War. On all these subjects there is a standard liberal view that educated Americans have grown up with for several generations: the development of nuclear weapons is problematic, its use is problematic, idealistic leanings towards communism are understandable, anti-communist “witch hunts” are wrong, those who hold onto their communist beliefs are innocent victims. Nolan’s strength lies in the fact that he takes all these topics not upside down, but as sparingly and restrained as possible.
You can read the full text of Martin Weiss at ECHOPRIME or from Wednesday 18.00 in the digital version of the magazine. From Thursday, the printed edition of Týdeník Echo is also on sale at the stands. Weekly Echo si you can subscribe from 249 crowns per month here.
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Why Czechs are experiencing the biggest drop in salaries in the EU. The truth about the US and Japanese terror
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Burning prisoners, dissecting them alive. The Japanese terror was cruel
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2023-08-02 22:01:00
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