The Dutch celebrate bock beer at any time of the year. Spring, summer, autumn and winter bucks are there from almost all breweries at the start. At the current time of the year, the Herbstbock from Bavaria is supposed to sweeten my evening. It is an almost black buck with a brown foam crown. Ea smells fresh, sparkling and dark malty. Inviting. The first drink is then typical for Dutch bucks. Dark malty like Bavarian block malt with a burnt touch. The drink has a certain freshness and a pleasant, not excessive, sweetness to offer. The hop bitterness is rather mild and goes well with the semi-dry mouthfeel. The Bavaria Bok is a good, tasty representative of the genus. I am impressed by the freshness and full-bodiedness. If you like Bavarian block malt, you should try it.
2023-08-01 22:30:30
#Bok #Beer #Bavaria #Brewery #Swinkels #Family #Brewers