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saved by the firefighters – Il Tempo

Fear on a roller coaster: six people got stuck on the Zoomarine attraction, an amusement park in Torvaianica, in the province of Rome. In the afternoon, the fire brigade operations room sent a team of the Pomezia fire brigade to the water park with the support of a ladder truck to rescue the unfortunate people.

According to reports, none of the six people trapped on the roller coaster were injured and the passengers were freed and brought back to the ground by the firefighters using the ladder truck. The six got stuck in one of the carriages that made up the carousel, which stopped at a rather high point.

Zoomarine has issued a note in which it underlines how safety is “first place” and explained the dynamics of the episode: “The immediate activation of the sensors that guarantee the correct functioning of the attractions has allowed a temporary ‘stop’ of the roller coaster on which visitors were present. Some were made to get off by staff, adequately trained in this type of operation and trained in compliance with the safety protocols required by current regulations, while the top carriage, with six people on board, required the intervention of the Fire Brigade who solved the situation in a few minutes”.

“Our attractions – says general manager Alex Mata – are subject to daily checks and blockages of this type confirm this. For this reason, all attractions are equipped with sensors that guarantee correct operation and in the event of an inconvenience, even the slightest, the ‘attraction stops. It’s better to ‘stop’ in absolute safety for a check and then resume the journey”, says Mata who thanks the firefighters.

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