Home » Business » Breaking Down the Boundaries of Shame: Pro-Familia Counseling Center Addresses the Need for Comprehensive Sex Education

Breaking Down the Boundaries of Shame: Pro-Familia Counseling Center Addresses the Need for Comprehensive Sex Education

Breaking down the boundaries of shame with experts in a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere and providing information about pornography or sex – teachers in particular appreciate the services offered by the Pro-Familia advice center on precisely these topics. In Mannheim The counseling center is currently registering a large increase in inquiries from a wide variety of institutions, types of schools, as well as from specialists and parents for this offer, which aims to break down boundaries of shame outside of everyday school life and deals with the topic of sexuality in a relaxed and relaxed context.

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The problem: sex education education work is faced with an ever-growing, often very urgent need, which unfortunately cannot be adequately covered at the moment. According to the counseling center, many inquiries from Mannheim and the surrounding area have to be canceled due to a lack of capacity, while entire areas such as sexual education in elementary school and with people with disabilities can currently not be dealt with enough here.

According to Pro Familia, it is topics such as sexting, pornography, sexualized language and working on your own and others’ boundaries that are outside the curriculum and where support and advice is often desired. Young people are also showing great interest in the topic of love and sexuality, but also growing uncertainty and many questions as a result of the confrontation with a large number of different media contents. Dealing with each other, especially within relationships and in the context of sexuality, and setting one’s own boundaries and respecting others’ boundaries seems to be increasingly asking many young people questions and sometimes finding it difficult. A large increase in knowledge on certain topics and the permanent presence of sexualized content on the Internet meet uncertainty and gaps in knowledge about the actual everyday life of young people. However, according to Pro Familia, there has so far been a lack of sufficient financial support to expand the educational offering for teachers and caregivers, for parents and multipliers as well as facilities. “We consider significantly better, long-term support for sexual education in the state to be urgent – both through the cultural and social administration,” says Ruth Weckenmann, Chairwoman of Pro Familia Baden-Württemberg. The professional association for sexuality, partnership and family planning runs 19 counseling centers and five branch offices in the state.

At the beginning of the summer holidays, Pro Familia wants to use a postcard campaign to draw attention to the indispensable role of sexual education in the personal development of children and young people. In the holiday month of August, media use is the focus: “Sexual education provides orientation”. A new motif is published every month with the aim of addressing the importance of sexual education as a social issue. lia

2023-07-31 22:07:44
#sexual #education #called

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