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The History and Traditions of Fair, San Justo, and San Pastor: Celebrations and Devotion

Fair is a masculine name that comes from latinand means ‘fair, even-tempered‘. Currently, in Spain, 10.342 men They celebrate their saint thanks to San Justo. For his part, Pastor means ‘guardian‘ o ‘the one who guides‘ y 328 men they celebrate their saint thanks to San Pastor.

According to the tradition, saint just y San Pastor were the sons of Saint Vidal and nephews of Santa Marta of Astorga. He got up years later chapel to house their remains, in the place where they were beheaded.

Tradition tells that due to devotion to the saints, the ancient Roman city gradually became depopulated. Completeness (the old one Alcala de Henares), and that around his tomb the first houses of Alcala de Henareswho welcomes the Saints Justus and Pastor like its founders.

In the 8th century, after the Muslim invasion, the fear that the remains of the saints would be desecrated were transferred by San Urbicio to the church of San Pedro el Viejo in Huescaalready Narbonne (France). In 1568 a part of the remains were brought back to alcalawhere they are currently, most of them being in Huesca.

Justo and Pastor are the employers from the city of Complutense, from Fresno de Losa (Burgos), from Olleros de Sabero and Valdealiso (León), from Tielmes (Madrid), from Porrúa (Asturias), from Fustiñana (Navarra), from Barbenuta (Huesca), from San Justo Desvern (Barcelona), San Justo and Domez de Alba (Zamora), Cordobilla de Lácara (Badajoz), Navalmanzano (Segovia), San Román (Santa María de Cayón) (Cantabria) and Torrescárcela (Valladolid). In Cambados (Pontevedra), the Feast of San Justo and San Pastor is celebrated in the chapel of Monte de la Pastora, including the mass in honor of the saints and the procession.

In Cotobade (Pontevedra) the pilgrimage de los santos Xusto y Pastor in the carballeira de San Xusto, in the parish of San Xurxo de Sacos on the 5th and 6th of August. Los faithful they make the pilgrimage to the chapel of the place so that San Xusto grants them health and saves them from any outburst of evil. There is also a crowded procession with a greeting rite. In Incinillas, (City in Castilla y León), they go out in procession to the town with the Saints Justus and Pastor.

This and other saints are celebrated during the August 6th:

Saint Claudia matron

San Hormisda papa

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