JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbud Ristek) Nadiem Makarim said the admission of new students (PPDB) zoning system was not a policy made by him.
Because, when he became the Minister of Education and Culture and Research and Technology, the policy already existed and was a program created by the previous Minister of Education and Culture, namely Muhadjir Effendy.
“When I first entered, it was zoning, the zoning policy was not my policy. That was the previous policy, Pak Muhadjir,” Nadiem said while giving material at the 2023 Learning Raya event at Posbloc, Jakarta, Saturday (28/7/2023).
“However, we as a team feel that this is a very important policy, which will definitely trouble me. I get caught in the sap every year because of zoning,” he said again.
Also read: Convey the experience of running PPDB Zoning, Ganjar: Beats me every day…
However, Nadiem acknowledged that this policy must be continued because it is important. He is also committed to continuing the PPDB zoning policy even though it has to be a hassle.
This is because there are many children who have studied and tutored for years to enter certain schools but are constrained by the zoning policy.
Nadiem said these children and their parents would be disappointed.
In addition, there are also children who cannot afford to pay for private schools because they cannot attend public schools.
“Well, that’s one example where continuity is very important. So, there are various kinds of policies that previously existed that we pushed, which we continued and that’s not a problem,” he said.
Also read: Confident 4 Years As Jokowi’s Minister, Nadiem: Every Time I Make Noisy Policies
Previously reported, it was suspected that there was a lot of fraud in the implementation of PPDB 2023 with the zoning route.
Facts on the ground, it was found that parents committed fraud by migrating or entrusting their child’s name on the family card (KK) of residents around the intended school.
The goal is that their children can enter their favorite school even though the distance from their home is far.
One example of cheating on the zoning route occurred in Bogor City, which was then followed up by the Mayor of Bima Arya Sugiarto by directly tracing it.
“There were a number of houses where the child’s name was not found and there was something suspicious too, the coordinates were close, but when registering the address was far away, so I think this is really a game,” said Bima, Tuesday (11/7/2023).
Apart from Bogor, fraudulent migration of households to target favorite schools also occurred in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).
The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (ORI) DIY representatives found that there were still some who suddenly lived close to the school.
“But it’s true that the KK has been verified. It’s just that the agency didn’t carry out field verification whether the parents and family live physically there or it’s just the KK. We got information that this is still happening,” said DIY Chief Ombudsman Budhi Masturi.
Budhi said that his party also found prospective students who boarded other people’s KK. Within the KK, the child falls into the “other family” classification.
Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said PPDB zoning problems occurred in all regions
“Field problems always exist in all cities, regencies and provinces, they are all there, but the most important thing is to be properly resolved in the field,” Jokowi said while giving a press statement after inaugurating the Bengkulu-Taba Penanjung toll road section at the Bengkulu-Taba Penanjung Toll Gate , Bengkulu City, Bengkulu Province, on Thursday (20/7/2023).
On this occasion, Jokowi also stressed the importance of prioritizing the interests of Indonesian children to be able to receive education at school.
According to Jokowi, both central and regional governments must ensure that children get this opportunity.
“Our children must be given the widest possible opportunity to have a good and highest education,” Jokowi said.
Also read: Education Report Card 2022-2023, Nadiem: 24.4 Percent of Students Experience Bullying
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2023-07-29 14:50:00
#PPDB #Zoning #Nadiem #policy #Muhadjir #Kompas.com