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How to move storks?
White stork, illustration photo | photo: Shutterstock
Stork nests are a popular attraction in summer. A couple of adult storks take care of the young ones, and those who watch the nest for a long time can see how they grow and what progress they make. Old unused chimneys are popular places for nest building. But what to do with the nest that the storks chose in a completely inappropriate and dangerous place? Zoologist Karel Pecl experienced repeated unsuccessful attempts to move storks, whose story is read by Miloň Čepelka.
Do sharks have cataracts?
The basking shark is an impressive animal that grows to over 10 meters in length. It is the largest non-mammal vertebrate. It is found in the tropical regions of all three oceans and can live between 80 and 130 years. It is not dangerous for humans because it feeds on plankton. Scientists examined the eyesight of this shark and found out a remarkable thing. His eye has the same cataracts as a human eye, but the shark can deal with it. How? This is what the biologist Prof. Jaroslav Petr.
The first submarine
Video of Robert Fulton – Nautilus, 1800
Already 223 years ago, on July 29, 1800, American inventor Robert Fulton tests his new invention for the first time in France – the Nautilus submarine. The latter was supposed to sink enemy ships, in such a way that a barbed hook with a cable threaded through it, pulled by a submarine on one side and a trailing mine with an impact fuse, was stuck on the wooden hull of the ship. With this cargo, the Nautilus set out from Cherbourg in September 1801 to meet the blockading fleet. Although the rough sea forced him to surface early, the British preferred to withdraw… We reminded you of this in the column It happened this day, which is prepared by Ing. Francis Houdek.
August in the mirror of the old man
Our ancestors knew well how important the month of August is in terms of harvest. Harvest time is key to building up enough stocks for the winter. Most field crops need to be harvested in August. Of course, it depends on the course of the weather in a given year. It was this variability that already attracted our ancestors. From generation to generation, they passed on this knowledge in the form of ancestral records. What can be expected in August, we were reminded thanks to doc. Zdenek Vašk from the Czech University of Life Sciences and his book Tribute to the Sun, Rain, Soil and Plow.
Are there earthquakes on the moon too?
View of the Earth from the Moon | photo: Shutterstock
In purely formal terms, the use of the word earthquake on the moon is meaningless. We should correctly say, for example, “moonquake” and change the name according to which cosmic body we are talking about. However, it didn’t take off very well. And does the moon even tremble? Thanks to the seismometers deployed by the Apollo missions, we know it did. Even after many years, scientists are thoroughly examining the records and have found several types of earthquakes. Dr. spoke about them. Jan Zedník from the Institute of Geophysics AV.
The end of the life of the physician Paracelsus
His name was Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, but he entered history under the name Paracelsus. In the field of medicine, it is a concept. He reformed medicine to make it, one might say, more scientific. At the beginning of the 16th century, this was a great advance. At the same time, he was a very complex personality with whom almost no one could stand. He openly challenged the authorities of his time, which had a bad effect on his career. This personality impressed Josef Kleibl, the founder and long-time editor of Meteor, so much that in 1989 he commissioned a six-part dramatization of the life of Paracelsus. The doctor lies on his deathbed, remembering his life and his conscience gnaws at his head…
The script was written by Helena Benešová, the master of sound was Miloslav Turek, and the direction was taken by Jiřina Martínková. Performers: Eduard Cupák, Josef Červinka, Radovan Lukavský, Miroslav Masopust and Alois Švehlík.
2023-07-29 06:55:05
#Meteor #migration #storks #sight #sharks #submarine