Title: Maud Angelica Behn Surprises Fans with New Hairstyle
Subtitle: The 20-year-old donates her hair and debuts a new look
Date: July 25, 2023
In a surprising move earlier this year, Maud Angelica Behn, daughter of Princess Märtha Louise and Ari Behn, shocked her TikTok followers by shaving her head. The decision came on her 20th birthday, as she chose to donate her long dark locks to a charitable cause.
However, Behn didn’t stop there. Recently, she has taken her hair transformation to the next level. During the royal family’s cruise aboard the Kongeskipet, Behn was spotted with a completely new hairstyle. The 20-year-old has opted for a lighter look, appearing with almost white hair during the boat trip.
This isn’t the first time Behn has experimented with her hair. In June, she dyed her hair in various colors of the rainbow, showcasing her bold and adventurous side.
Behn’s short hair has received positive feedback from her followers in the past. When she first debuted her shaved head, she was praised in the comments section, with one person calling her a role model worth looking up to. Another complimented her on how well she suited the short hair.
The young royal’s hair transformation continues to surprise and captivate her fans. Whether it’s shaving her head for a good cause or embracing a new look, Maud Angelica Behn proves that she is not afraid to take risks and express herself through her hairstyle choices.
As Behn continues to make headlines with her ever-changing hair, her followers eagerly await her next bold move.
What inspired Maud Angelica Behn’s surprising hair transformation and philanthropic act?
Maud Angelica Behn Stuns Fans with Unexpected Hair Transformation
Subtitle: The 20-year-old’s philanthropic act leads to a daring new style
Date: July 25, 2023
In a surprising twist that left her TikTok followers astonished, Maud Angelica Behn, daughter of Princess Märtha Louise and Ari Behn, shaved her head. This bold decision, made on her 20th birthday, was accompanied by a touching gesture as she also chose to donate her luscious dark locks to a charitable cause.
But Behn’s hair journey didn’t stop there. During a recent royal family cruise aboard the Kongeskipet, onlookers were treated to Behn showcasing an entirely new hairstyle. Opting for a lighter appearance, the young royal debuted almost white hair, adding yet another surprise to her hair transformation.
This isn’t the first time Behn has experimented with her hair. Back in June, she delighted her fans by dyeing her hair in a vibrant array of rainbow colors, showcasing her bold and adventurous spirit.
Behn’s daring hairstyle choices have garnered praise from her loyal followers in the past. When she initially shaved her head, fans flooded the comments section with messages of admiration, with one calling her a role model to look up to. Another supporter complimented how stunning she looked with her short hair.
As Maud Angelica Behn continues to transform her hair, her fans are left captivated and eagerly await her next fearless move. Her ability to take risks and express herself through her hairstyle choices make her an inspiring figure, reminding us all to embrace our individuality.