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The Urgent Need for Rare Metals due to the Lack of Lithium Reserves

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리튬 비축량 6일치뿐…확보 시급한 희소금속


전기차 확산으로 배터리가 핵심 전략산업이 ‌되며‌ 필수재료인 희소금속 ⁣값이 치솟자 칠레가 리튬⁣ 산업 국유화에 나서고⁣ 중국이 다음달부터 갈륨과‍ 게르마늄 수출 통제에 들어갑니다.

각국이 이렇게 희소금속을 무기화하는데 ⁤배터리 산업을 ⁤키우겠다는 한국은 비축량이 너무 미미한‍ 실정입니다.

김종력 기자입니다.


현재 전 세계에서⁤ 가장 주목하는 희소금속은 ‘하얀석유’라⁢ 불리는‌ 리튬입니다.

2차 전지의 핵심 원료라, 전기차 보급‍ 확대와 함께 가치는 계속 높아지고 ⁢있습니다.

문제는 국내 리튬 비축량이 6일치 뿐이라는 겁니다.

정부 목표인 100일치에 한참 ​부족합니다.

리튬만이 아닙니다.

코발트 12일치, 갈륨 40일치 등 대부분의 희소금속 비축량은 ‌목표와 거리가 너무 멉니다.

물론 ‍민간업체 보유분도 있어, 정부 비축량을 다 쓴다고 생산이 바로 멈추는 ‍것은 아닙니다.

하지만 칠레가 지난 4월 리튬​ 산업 국유화를 선언했고, 중국이 다음달부터 갈륨과 게르마늄의 수출⁣ 통제에⁤ 들어가는 등 최근 자원부국들은 희소금속을 무기화하고 있습니다.

전문가들은‌ ‘제2의 요소수 사태’를 겪지 않으려면 희소금속 확보에 정부가 적극 나서야 할 때라고 지적합니다.

“첫째는⁤ 해외 광산⁤ 개발을 직접적으로​ 좀 참여하는 것, 두번째는 ⁤공급망을 다변화⁢ 해‍ 확보해 나가는게 희소금속을 안정적으로 확보하는 지름길이라 생각합니다”

그런데 올해 광해광업공단이 ​희소금속 구매를 위해 받은 정부 출자금은 372억3,200만원.

지난해보다 오히려 23.7% 줄었는데, 산업부는 비축 목표량을 채우려면 1,000억원까지⁣ 늘려야 할 ‍것으로 보Title: South Korea​ Urgently ⁢Needs to Secure ‍Rare Metals as Lithium Reserves Only Last ⁣for 6 Days

Subtitle:⁢ With the soaring demand for rare metals due to the expansion ​of⁣ the electric ‍vehicle industry, South Korea is facing​ a critical shortage of essential materials, particularly lithium.

Date: July 25, 2023

In recent years, the battery industry has become a crucial strategic sector, driven by the ‌widespread adoption of​ electric vehicles.​ As a result, ​the⁣ value⁣ of rare metals, such as lithium, has skyrocketed. To ⁢address ​this, Chile ‍has nationalized its lithium industry, while China ​is set to impose export controls on ⁣gallium and germanium starting next month.

However, South Korea, which⁤ aims‍ to boost ‌its battery industry ‍by‌ weaponizing rare metals, is facing a severe shortage. Currently, the country ⁣only has reserves of ‍lithium that can last for‍ six days, far below⁤ the government’s target of 100‌ days. The situation is similar⁢ for other‍ rare metals, ‍including cobalt (12 days) ⁢and gallium ⁤(40 days).

Although private companies also ‌hold reserves, relying solely ⁣on⁣ government stockpiles is not a sustainable solution. To prevent a potential crisis similar​ to the⁣ oil shock, experts argue that the government ​needs to take proactive measures to secure rare metals.

One suggested approach is ⁢to directly ⁤participate in overseas mining projects, while another is ⁤to diversify the⁢ supply chain to ensure a stable⁢ supply ‍of rare metals.

However, the funding allocated by the government-owned Korea Resources Corporation (KORES) for rare metal ⁢purchases has decreased by 23.7% to 37.23 billion won ⁣this year. The Ministry of Trade, Industry, and ⁢Energy ⁤believes⁣ that the funding should be increased to 100 ​billion won to‌ meet the stockpiling ​target.

Furthermore, even if the purchasing funds are increased, there ‌is a ⁣lack ​of suitable‌ storage facilities. The storage capacity⁢ of KORES for rare metals⁣ is already at 98.5%, highlighting the urgent need ⁢for expansion.

In conclusion, South Korea’s limited reserves ‍of rare ‍metals, particularly lithium, pose a significant ‍challenge to ⁤the‌ country’s ‍battery industry. To avoid a potential crisis, the government⁢ must take immediate action⁢ to secure⁤ these essential materials through ⁣various means, including direct ‍participation in overseas⁣ mining projects and diversifying the ‌supply ‌chain.

#Lithium⁤ #RareMetals ‍#KORES #Stockpiling #Urgent
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