1. Employer liability, worker liability
1. Civil liability, criminal liability
A person is civilly liable when he unlawfully causes damage to another person, CO 41. When his civil liability is engaged, the author of the damage is required to…
A. Employer liability
2. Civil liability of the employer for damage caused by a worker to third parties
2.1. Principle The employer is liable for damage caused to third parties by his workers, in the performance of their work (tile falling on a passer-by during roofing work, by…
3. Liability of the employer for poor performance of work
The employer is liable for the poor performance (or non-performance) of the work performed by his auxiliaries as if he had done it himself. CO 101. However, the employer can free himself from…
4. Civil liability of the employer towards the worker
4.1. Principle The employer protects and respects, in work relations, the personality of the worker; he shows due consideration for his health; it takes to protect life and…
5. Criminal liability of the employer
This liability may be incurred on the basis of several laws, the main ones of which are mentioned below. 5.1. Federal Labor Act (LTr) Is criminally punishable the employer…
B. Responsibility of the worker
6. Civil liability of the worker
6.1. Duties of the worker The worker is required to carry out the work entrusted to him with care; it faithfully safeguards the legitimate interests of the employer. It is particularly…
7. Criminal liability of the worker
The criminal liability of the worker is engaged in particular on the basis of the laws mentioned below. 7.1. Federal Labor Act (LTr) A worker who…
2023-07-25 05:29:26
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