All three of these It’s not reliable at all… Cancer really is a cell in our own body that works abnormally. The division does not stop and destroys other cells.
(1) Although at present we are campaigning to reduce the consumption of sweet and salty foods But to completely stop eating any nutrients such as sugar It makes both cancer cells and our normal body cells starve. All died together not just cancer
(2) Hot lemonade does not contain many chemicals that can kill cancer cells enough to help us recover from the disease. The name of the medical school of Maryland Chemical Therapy is not found anywhere.
(3) Coconut oil is not going to kill cancer cells. Normally, people should consume no more than 3 tablespoons of oil per day. This is about 6 per day. Saturated fat consumption will exceed the appropriate level.
In short, it’s unreliable. Don’t share.
2023-07-24 05:07:00
#Chet #opens #information #cancer #treatment #stopping #eating #sugar #Read #Bang