Incorporating new characters from Final Fantasy 16 into Kingdom Hearts 4 could make perfect sense and could teach Sora and Riku important lessons. Sora and Riku, as well as Clive and Joshua, take on an enormous responsibility and separate themselves from their loved ones. The 18-year gap between Clive and Joshua in Final Fantasy 16 could be a cautionary tale for Sora and Riku to prioritize their bonds and face challenges together in Kingdom Hearts 4.
with success Final Fantasy 16This latest title could be a great excuse to incorporate new characters from the franchise into the game Kingdom Hearts 4 Both Square Enix series move into whole new eras. It wouldn’t make sense to just introduce Clive in it Kingdom Hearts 4but themes Final Fantasy 16 And the 18-year gap between its two heroes could have a lesson to teach Sora and Riku.
with events Kingdom Hearts 4 After Sora disappears into the last numbered address and Riku sets out to find him memory tuneThe bonds between these two heroes are tested like never before. In this way, the lost time between Clive and his brother Joshua shares a number of similarities, as both of these heroes never fail to take a cosmic measure of responsibility upon themselves, no matter how much separates them from what matters to them.
Related: Square Enix is pleased with Final Fantasy 16’s sales
Square Enix fans are coming out on their own
A key feature of the four protagonists across these two series is the way each of them puts it in their hands to keep in mind not only the world but also the people most important to them. On the Final Fantasy 16 As an aside, this leads to Joshua traveling in hiding, allowing Clive to believe he died 13 years ago, and even taking one of the Omegas regardless of the mortal toll it takes on his body. In the Kingdom Hearts In the series, this same trend continues for Riku in the second installment where he travels alone to help out in the background, and for Sora in the third game where he sacrifices himself during the events of the series. He remembers to save Kerry.
There’s a pattern here that took Sora and Riku about a year and some tweaking, but for Clive and Joshua it spanned most of their lives. At any point in each series skip, the heroes could have given up their need to hold each other at arm’s length for protection in order to spend time with each other. In the end, this is what these characters want most, to be with the people who matter most to them. However, in both Kingdom Hearts And Final Fantasy 16The heroes’ need to handle everything on their own is what separates them from their friends and family in the first place.
There is still time for Sora and Riku
on a period Final Fantasy 16Eighteen years pass before Joshua and Clive unite and become stronger for it. While this leaves over a third of the match for Clive and Joshua to reunite and rebuild the bond that was severed at Phoenix Gate, they have spent over half their lives apart. That’s not the case, though, for Sora and Riku, as these two have only grown apart over the past few games the two main protagonists have appeared in over two decades of storytelling.
We take Kingdom Hearts 4 List Clive and Joshua Final Fantasy Characters can give Sora and Riku the opportunity to reconsider their options for going out on their own. The 18 year gap between Clive and Joshua would be a cautionary tale about keeping such important people close, and separation doesn’t actually protect anyone. This doesn’t mean that Sora and Riku need to hang up their hats and stay with Kairi on Destiny Island, but instead, the trio must face each new challenge together. Given that “the power of friendship” is at the center of both stories, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to see this lesson established again by meeting Clive and Joshua.
Kingdom Hearts 4 Currently under development.
More than that: Calling Kingdom Hearts 4 might be a way to serve up its Final Fantasy representation