Home » Health » The Negative Effects of Using Smartphones in the Bedroom: Sleep Disorders, Obesity, and Health Risks

The Negative Effects of Using Smartphones in the Bedroom: Sleep Disorders, Obesity, and Health Risks

Enter 2023.07.23 18:45 Modify 2023.07.23 18:20 Hits 2,967 Enter 2023.07.23 18:45 Modify 2023.07.23 18:20 Hits 2,967

[사진=게티이미지뱅크]Even when lying in bed, you look at your smartphone before going to sleep, and even when you wake up in the morning, you check your smartphone first. There are many people who live with their smartphones in their hands all day long enough to call it ‘smartphone addiction’. In particular, there are many cases of sleeping with a smartphone next to the bed until morning. How will it affect sleep and health? It is said that smartphones viewed in bed cause sleep disorders and even obesity.

◆ Bedroom Smartphones Call ‘Sleep Disorders and Obesity’

Looking at your smartphone in bed can interfere with your sleep. Even at the time of falling asleep, the level of the stress hormone ‘Cortisol’ can be high by giving unnecessary stimulation to the brain. In particular, blue light from smartphones stimulates the eyes and affects the autonomic nervous system. The brain may mistake it for day instead of night, and secretion of sleep hormones may not be performed normally. If the quality of sleep is poor, fatigue builds up and the probability of gaining weight increases.

If you gain weight even though you control your food and exercise, it is good to check whether you have a good night’s sleep. A pleasant sleep of about 7 hours a day is a great help to lose weight. If you don’t sleep properly, it’s easy to become obese, and it’s difficult to control your appetite, which puts a red light on your health.

When light comes out of the bedroom, the body’s biological clock becomes abnormal and disrupts the sleep rhythm. It reduces the secretion of melatonin, which helps sleep. In addition, antioxidant activity that reduces aging of the body is reduced, increasing the possibility of inflammation. The bed should be dark and the sleeping environment should be created as much as possible. If you already have sleepless insomnia, electronic devices in your bedroom are poison to your health and diet.

Bedroom smartphones may increase risk of diabetes and high blood pressure

Frequent studies have shown that people who use electronic devices such as smartphones in the bedroom have a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure than those who do not receive any light at night. In a paper recently published in the international academic journal ‘Sleep’, it was pointed out that people who sleep with exposure to dim light have a high prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Even a very small amount of light can be harmful when sleeping at night. The light sends a signal to the brain that tells the body to differentiate between day and night. Disruption of this signal can increase your metabolism and your risk of cardiovascular disease.

2023-07-23 09:46:12

#bed #sleep #disorders #obesity

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