Rajinikanth starrer Jailer is the film that the audience is eagerly waiting for. Meanwhile, Dhyan Srinivasan’s Malayalam film Jailer is also getting ready for release in Malayalam. The film was recently in the news for its title Jailer. Jailer is the name of the Tamil film directed by Nelson starring Rajinikanth. Pointing this out, the makers of the Malayalam film had sent a notice to Sun Pictures, the producers of the Tamil film. Now, Rajinikanth’s Jailer teaser has managed to get 80 lakh viewers.
Meanwhile, Dhyan’s film managed to get 100,000 viewers. As the name suggests, Dhyan, the hero, is playing the role of a jailer in the film. The film shows criminals escaping from jail and the jailer running after them. Under the banner of Golden Village, N.K. The film is produced by Muhammad. Starring Divya Pillai as the female lead, the film stars Manoj K Jayan, Sreejith Ravi, Nawaz Vallikun, Binu Adimali, Unni Raja, Jayaprakash, B.K. Baiju and others have also acted.
Meanwhile, Arjun has sung the new lyrical song of Ashokan’s new film Olam. The song starting with Pareedumo was released. The song has been sung by Evgin Emmanuel and Seba Tomi. The lyrics of the song are written by Anwar Ali and Amal Varghese. Arun Thomas has composed the music. The film will hit the theaters on August 4. Earlier it was announced that the film will be released on July 7. Censor board has given U/A certificate to the film. Arjun Ashokan, Lena, Binu Pappu, Harishree Ashokan, Nobby Marcos, Sureshchandra Menon, Pauly Vatsan are the main actors of the film.
The film is directed by VS Abhilash. VS Abhilash and Lena have prepared the story for the film. The film is being produced by Naufal Punathil under the banner of Punathil Productions.
Cinematography- Neeraj Ravi, Ashkar. Editing by Shamjit Mohammad. Sound Designer- Ranganath Ravi. Music Director- Arun Thomas. Co Producer- Sethuraman Concol. Line Producer- Wasim Haider. Graphic Designer- Coconut Bunch. Chief Associate Director- Mirash Khan, Ambrovarghese. Art Director- Velu Vazhayur. Cost and Designer- Jishad Shamsuddin and Kumar Edpal. Makeup- RG Wayanathan, Rashid Ahmed. Production Controller- Shashi Gudhuwal. Designs – Manu da Vinci. PRO- MK Shejin.
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