Home » News » Record-Breaking Population Growth in Offenbach District: 362,137 People Registered at the End of 2022

Record-Breaking Population Growth in Offenbach District: 362,137 People Registered at the End of 2022

(Symbol photo: Peggy_Marco on Pixabay) 362,137 people registered at the end of 2022

Almost 1,000 people moved to the Offenbach district in the fourth quarter of 2022. While there were exactly 361,176 people in the 13 municipalities as of September 30, 2022, 362,137 people were counted as of December 31, 2022, i.e. an increase of 961 people. Compared to the 2021 annual financial statements, there are even 4,671 more people. On average, 1,016 people live per square kilometer in the district of Offenbach.

“Quarter after quarter we report a record number of inhabitants,” says District Administrator Oliver Quilling. “This poses ever-increasing challenges for the district and the municipalities. As the number of people grows, so does the infrastructure, such as day-care centers and schools. However, especially in these summery days, we also have an eye on the drinking water supply.”

The largest town in the district is still Rodgau with 46,426 people. It is followed by Dreieich with 42,260 inhabitants. In third place is Neu-Isenburg with 39,287 people, just ahead of Langen with 39,217 residents. 34,928 people live in the district town of Dietzenbach. In the middle are the cities of Mühlheim with 29,252, Rödermark with 28,834 and Obertshausen with 25,307 inhabitants. Seligenstadt follows with 21,568 people ahead of Heusenstamm with 19,306 people. With a population of 14,403, Hainburg is the most populous municipality in the district, followed by Egelsbach with 11,452 and Mainhausen with 9,897 inhabitants.

Figures, data and facts about the district of Offenbach are below www.kreis-offenbach.de/zahlen-fakten to read.

(Text: PM District Offenbach)

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