• 14 consensus recommendations to implement
• Between development funds, one-stop shop and digitization
• Evaluation expected in 2024
La 5e national State/private sector meeting delivered its conclusions. They can be summed up in 14 main recommendations related to the theme: “The role of land in the promotion of productive investment in Burkina Faso”. From July 3 to 4, 2023, members of government, led by the Prime Minister, and the business community discussed how to improve the business climate for economic development.
The choice of this theme this year is justified, according to the organizers, by the fact that the mobilization of land remains a difficulty in the process of development of the national economy. Added to this is an escalation in the monopolization of rural and urban land by real estate developers, at the risk of creating problems of land availability and control of land use planning by the authority.
For this 5e national meeting, the sectoral meetings made it possible to clear up the subject during July 2022. The sectoral ministries had discussions with private actors. Thus, the need for the private sector to have secure economic platforms was strongly supported. Opposite, the sectoral ministries have recalled the actions in progress or to be considered to solve the problems raised, all with the ultimate aim of achieving a structural transformation of the economy, and a greater contribution of the manufacturing industry to the GDP.
The three communications made it possible to highlight investment promotion practices, identify the main challenges related to land mobilization and formulate recommendations. The key words to remember from this communication are: mobilize and secure then develop the land. The communicators of the two sub-themes reviewed the possible forms of collaboration to develop the activity zones, as well as the impact of insecurity on the development of existing ones. The exchanges revealed that the country had a project of 12 industrial zones in regions. If the sites are identified, none is yet secure in the administrative sense of the term, that of Fada, unfortunately, due to terrorism, is still waiting to be developed.
Some of the existing economic activity zones lack adequate infrastructure. The industrial zone of Kossodo was mentioned, during the debates, for its degraded and insufficient basic infrastructures and of which part of the land is the subject of speculation by the landowners. The State/private sector meeting was an opportunity to make announcements for the parties. Thus, the government announced the development of 100 h in the Samandeni valley, in the west of the country, the development of an industrial park in the Ziniaré area and the upgrading of the Kossodo industrial area.
On the side of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, officials confirmed that the rehabilitation of the Sankaryaré market was on the right track. 6 months later, the financing requirement is known: 1.8 billion FCFA. The Town Hall of Ouaga, via the Urban Economic Development Agency, has mobilized 600 million and the Chamber of Commerce, via its financial arm SAFINE, will contribute 1.100 billion FCFA. At the end of the work, the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina, Mahamadi Savadogo, thanked the private sector, the Prime Minister and the members of the government for “the spirit of constructive dialogue which characterized this meeting”, made the state of implementation of the recommendations and commitments resulting from previous editions. Thus, he noted that out of a total of 134 recommendations and commitments monitored in 2022, the CODESP Secretariat had recorded an average implementation rate of 58.17%.
Recommendations related to the theme
1. The rehabilitation of industrial zones, in particular, the repair of roads and access roads, the installation of a fire safety system and the creation of infrastructure and collective equipment;
2. Securing land reserves dedicated to economic activities;
3. Development of new economic activity zones in regional capitals, with the participation of the private sector;
4. The development of a plan for the development of structuring investments taking into account the potential of each region;
5. The creation of a fund to finance economic infrastructure development projects;
6. The revision of texts on land to have control over land and better protect investors;
7. Reduction of time, costs and procedures for obtaining land titles;
8. The taking of special measures for the access of micro, small and medium enterprises to land;
9. Effective removal of unused land from economic activity zones;
10.Taking into account specific spaces dedicated to socio-economic infrastructure (schools, health centers, crafts, tourist facilities, hotels, parking sites, etc.), during subdivisions in all localities of Burkina Faso;
11. The fight against land speculation in industrial zones and growth poles; 12. Digitization of the land cadastre;
13. The acceleration of the creation of rural land services in the Communes and the harmonization of the costs of establishing certificates of rural land possession;
14.The delimitation of production zones specifically dedicated to agro-sylvo-pastoral and fishing activities.