By accessing the Ministry of National Education, Gabriel Attal reconnects with his first love. Elected deputy in 2017, he chose to sit on the Committee for Cultural Affairs and Education, and is rapporteur for the law on student guidance and success (ORE). Very quickly, often cited among the most active and prominent deputies of the macronie, he broke through by denouncing the “greviculture” at the SNCF, and a few months later, he entered the government, already rue de Grenelle.
There, Gabriel Attal is notably in charge of youth issues and the establishment of the decried Universal National Service (SNU). He affirms his ambition a little more there, an adviser remarking that he does everything to try to “to eat his supervising minister” Jean-Michel Blanquer. He is noted for his communication skills. He tests a new approach there, in phase with his time and with his age, using social networks and their stars. He notably uses the influencer Tibo Inshape to promote the SNU, which is controversial. He is also very good at defending the action of the whole of the government in a more “classic” way, which he will do full time by being appointed spokesperson.
2023-07-20 14:05:39
#Reshuffle #appointed #Minister #Education #Gabriel #Attal #continues #ascent