Every year more people are bitten by a tick. The counter is now at 1.5 million. Getting the bugs out of your skin – without making you sick – is another. Landscape Noord-Holland lends a hand and hands out drawing passes with small pliers attached.
Anyone bitten by a tick can become very ill. Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria that carry ticks. The bacteria enters your blood and can cause flu-like symptoms. In some people, the disease even causes heart problems and nerve failure.
Various managers of nature reserves in the Netherlands warn to check your arms, hands, feet and legs after a walk. Upon discovering a tick, it can be pulled out – with a twist – using a pair of pliers. Landscape Noord-Holland distributes these for free. But the best thing is to prevent a tick bite, says the organization. This is best done by wearing long pants that close at the ankles.
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By: Floortje van Gameren
2023-07-20 14:09:00
#number #tick #bites #increasing #Landscape #NoordHolland #handing #tick #passes