Home » News » Assault and Robbery in New York City: Recent Survey Reveals High Crime Rate and Public Fear

Assault and Robbery in New York City: Recent Survey Reveals High Crime Rate and Public Fear

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Productive workers are often eligible for federally funded overtime, state legislators will hold a hearing tomorrow and are concerned that the population is losing confidence in law enforcement officers. Paulina: New York City authorities on the trail of four people accused of assaulting and beating a Hispanic man outside a restaurant , live from the big apple peggy carranza with the report, tell us more peggy.peggy: hello good morning, we are the ecuadorian restaurant here in brooklyn where this robbery and assault of $3500 would have occurred for information that helps them find the whereabouts of these men and it is that they would not only be suspected of robbery and assault, but he made comments against the Hispanic community and it all started when followers of the restaurant that was outside, supposedly they were approached him, apparently they pushed him, savagely beat him, then a knife and cut him in the face, stealing his wallet with about $1000, his identification documents and then they went to the escape. According to the owner of the restaurant, everything could have been much worse, however, an employee helped the victim, let’s see what the lady said.>> The boy’s face was cut, all of this was beaten, he was well beaten. It was said that precisely another client would have been victim of an attack by these subjects allegedly received a bottle in the head, the police ask anyone with information to contact their high crime line, it can be by phone or online all this occurs when robberies in the city of new york have fallen 5% compared to the Same period last year according to police figures. However, a recent survey revealed that more than 60% of New Yorkers fear I am the victim of a crime while this is being investigated by the police’s hate crimes unit. Paulina: What else was revealed in this survey. Peggy: one in 10 New Yorkers would have been the victim of a crime last

2023-07-19 11:47:00

#Authorities #suspected #beating #Hispanic #York #offer #reward

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