If you happen to fall in love with an Aries and ask him to change for you, then in 90% of cases the request will not end in success. Aries is stubborn, he is not ready to change because of the whims of the other. Doing a favor or helping is not a problem, but Aries is not ready to change himself for the sake of another.
Gemini can pretend to be able to change. They can tell you what you want to hear, but they are just great communicators. They will only comfort you by saying “okay, I’ll try”. Gemini will not give up their pleasures, it is easier for them to find another person than to change themselves.
Leos can’t handle criticism, so a request to change yourself can be viewed with hostility. These are people who shouldn’t be asked for something they don’t want. In a long-term relationship, Leos can compromise in an effort to change themselves, but this will require a lot of effort.
If Capricorn himself wants to change, then it will happen, but not immediately. You will not be able to change Capricorn if something in his personality does not satisfy him. You may make a huge effort, but most likely it will not succeed – no matter how much Capricorn loves his partner.
2023-07-18 21:05:25
#zodiac #signs #change #love