By Rizqan Ilman Riko Huzaifah. The author is a student of the Faculty of Public Health.
Obesity is caused by consuming too much fatty food, especially at this time.
Fast food is easy to get and widely available in our environment, excessive fat content in these foods can cause obesity.
Obesity is a condition when there is a lot of fat that accumulates in the body due to the fact that more calories are consumed than are burned. If not treated immediately, obesity can increase the risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and even death. It’s a shame that something that is taken for granted can cause a more serious illness.
Why did ancient humans rarely suffer from obesity? Because they are physically active, now everything is instantaneous.
We all know that at this time, things like body movement are very little done because it has been assisted by existing technology, such as ordering food with go food services, washing with a machine, things like this can accelerate the occurrence of obesity. While it is recommended to exercise 150 minutes in one week.
Emotions also play an important role in obesity why? Due to our hormonal imbalance, it can cause negative emotions.
Our hormone system will react to negative emotions so that it will slow down the metabolism in our body. Usually, people who are already obese must have a lack of self-confidence. A disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems.
At least 2.8 million people per year die because of obesity, the death rate is quite large in Indonesia, even in the world itself cases of death due to obesity are ranked 5th.
Even recently Indonesia was shocked by the news of a 300 kg teenager who died due to obesity, this case reminds us that being overweight is not good and can cause death.
What efforts to avoid obesity?
1. Avoid consumption of soft and carbonated drinks.
2. Limit consumption of fruit juice.
3. Doing physical activity or sports properly, correctly, regularly, measurably (BBTT)
4. Think positively, and recognize the emotion of eating.
It is recommended to the public to maintain a healthy lifestyle for accusatory care at the present time before contracting a more serious illness.
2023-07-18 17:15:12
#Opini #Lets #Move #Obesity