Freiburg (dpa/lsw) – In the trial of a knife attack on two women in Freiburg, in which a 59-year-old died, a statement from the accused is expected on Monday. His lawyer had announced at the start a week earlier at the district court that he would present what he considered to be a comprehensive statement from his client. He will comment on himself and also answer questions about it. In the afternoon (around 1:00 p.m.), the court then wants to question the survivor, as the presiding judge had announced.
The public prosecutor’s office accuses the 63-year-old German of having insidiously taken revenge on his ex-partner for their separation. He hid in front of their home in January and attacked the 30-year-old and her mother with a knife at the time of the crime. He stabbed both women multiple times. The daughter suffered life-threatening injuries and also suffered several broken bones. According to the public prosecutor, she had obtained a contact ban against the man because he threatened her, blackmailed her and forced her to have sex with an intimate video, among other things.
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