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The Dangers of High Temperature Weather and Sun Exposure on Eye Health

12:22 PM Sunday, July 16, 2023

Books – Muhammad Amin:

Extremely high temperatures, humidity, and direct exposure to the scorching sun are factors that negatively affect eye health and threaten some health risks.

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The Consulto reviews in the following report the most prominent dangers of high temperature weather and exposure to the sun on the eyes

Dr. Amir Hamza, a consultant ophthalmologist, says that direct exposure to sunlight and high temperatures affects the eye, and increases the chances of exposure to some health risks, which he identified as follows:

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Dry eyes.

Eye sensitivity.

– eye lens darkening.

– Redness of the eye and changes in the tissues of the conjunctiva.

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How can the eye be treated from the effect of sunlight?

“Hamza” explains that the treatment of the eye affected by exposure to the sun and the high temperature of the weather depends on the damage to the eye, and indicates that it is possible to put moisturizing drops that treat dryness, as a substitute for tears, provided that they are under the supervision of a doctor so that they do not have tables that affect the eye negatively. Like cortisone.

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Tips for keeping an eye out in the sun in the summer

A consultant ophthalmologist offers some important advice to maintain eye health during heat waves and when exposed to the sun, to avoid health risks, and he specified these tips as follows:

– Avoid exposure to the sun from 12 to 4 pm.

– Wearing sunglasses when exposed to the sun, provided that they are medical from a reliable source and not from an unknown source.

– Not to be exposed directly to dry and hot air, as this increases the risk of developing dry eyes.

When you notice any strange symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

2023-07-16 09:31:44

#Effects #sun #exposure #eye #health

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