The community center Maarswold in Stadskanaal was reduced to ashes in the night from Saturday to Sunday after a fire. Soon after the report around 2:30 a.m., a course was set for the building on Utrechtselaan, where the flames could already be seen above the community center.
A 24-hour daycare in the building was evacuated. Two employees and four children who were present in the building managed to get out safely. Firefighters had to demolish parts of the building to put out the fire. The extent of the damage remains to be seen later.
Surveillance footage allegedly shows how a fire is started in a garbage can outside the building. The flames then spread. The police cannot confirm this, but do take arson into account. Around the time of the fire, two people were at the property. seen. They would have asked a bystander to call the police. A neighborhood investigation has been launched.
2023-07-16 09:33:45
#news #Stadskanaal #neighborhood #center #destroyed #fire