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Wayfarer Anti-Cheat Actions: How It Affects Pokéstops and Pokémon GO Players

Most players will have noticed that the number of Pokéstops Pokémon GO has gotten a lot better lately. However, if you look at the Pokéstops, you will see that the quality is not always good. This is due to a way of cheating found in the Netherlands. Both the judges and applicants could take advantage of this, but now Wayfarer Anti-Cheat actions are coming. This means that with a year of retroactive effect, players will be penalized if they have done this.

And the Wayfarer Anti-Cheat actions not only apply to Wayfarer, but also to Pokémon GO, for example. So, as we warned about before, you can get a ban on your account if you have abused the systems. In the coming month, players will notice this and there will probably be quite a few Pokéstops that should not have been there.

Do you want to buy a Pokémon GO Plus Plus and support NWTV, without paying more? Then buy it through this link bee Bol.com.

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2023-07-16 05:38:36
#Niantic #implement #Wayfarer #AntiCheat #Actions #games

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