Home » Health » The Best Workouts Without Equipment: 5 Exercises for Both Body and Mind

The Best Workouts Without Equipment: 5 Exercises for Both Body and Mind

exercise without equipment Which one is good for both our body and mind? Recommend 5 exercises as follows! It can be said that it is good for both muscles. It also helps to burn. And it’s also good for important organs in the body. Which type of exercise will help with what? Let’s see!

best workout

1. Walking

Very easy exercise no equipment required Practice anywhere Must be given to walking! Walking is good for health in many ways, in addition to being good for your physical health. It’s also good for brain health. Plus, walking is good for joints. Plus, it also helps keep the heart healthy!

2. Running

In addition to walking We can also run. because running is equally good for health It also helps burn calories as well. One hour of running can burn twice the calories of cycling or walking for the same amount of time.

3. Dance

Add fun to our workouts, not boring. I recommend you to dance. Because of the dance, we will be able to move both arms and legs. Including being good for the heart And can also help increase fun and happiness quite well. Who doesn’t have a passion for exercise? I recommend you to try dancing. And we want to go every day!

4. Yoga

gentle stretching By practicing yoga, it helps our body to be flexible and active. Yoga can also help relieve stress. improve breathing give more energy and also helps to tighten the muscles as well which muscle If we do not use it We have a chance to lose it!

5. Tai Chi

Tai Chi or Tai Chi is an exercise and meditation practice. which in addition to being good for physical health It’s also good for mental health. Tai chi is considered to take meditation to the next level with slow body movements. Practice helps to have balance. ready to relieve stress It can be said that it is good for all genders and ages.

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2023-07-15 09:45:00

#exercises #equipment #good #body #mind

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