Home » Entertainment » 1. “Pio Squad: The Journey of Torzo” 2. “Behind the Scenes: Pio Squad’s Latest Album Torzo” 3. “Pio Squad’s Torzo: A Musical Experience” 4. “Exploring Pio Squad’s Torzo: Music, Challenges, and Growth” 5. “Unveiling Torzo: Pio Squad’s Latest Musical Creation”

1. “Pio Squad: The Journey of Torzo” 2. “Behind the Scenes: Pio Squad’s Latest Album Torzo” 3. “Pio Squad’s Torzo: A Musical Experience” 4. “Exploring Pio Squad’s Torzo: Music, Challenges, and Growth” 5. “Unveiling Torzo: Pio Squad’s Latest Musical Creation”

Title: Pio Squad Reflects on their Latest Album and Teaching Career

Subtitle: Czech rap group Pio Squad discusses their music and life as teachers

Jihlava, Czech Republic – In a recent interview, Czech rap group Pio Squad opened up about their latest album, Torzo, and their experiencesch, e sttn gymnzium je dril a dril?
Na gymplu je zhruba osmdest kantor, take osmdest rznch osobnost. Kad je njak zamen. Jsou tam ty rkosky, kdy to eknu jednodue, pi jejich hodinch nesm zaznt ani spadnut pendlku na zem, jinak je vyhazov. Kde se nesm v hodin napt nebo vejknout. A pak jsou i mn formln, uvolnnj profesoi a uitel. A k tm urit patm i j. Co neznamen men tlak na prci, naopak. Po njakm srovnn vidm vt tlak od sebe ne od nkoho jinho.

Jak bys charakterizoval sebe jako uitele?
Na vym gymplu se snam se studenty jednat skoro jako s dosplmi, v uvozovkch rovnej s rovnm. Co je podle m jeden z cl. Aby uitel nebyl ten nahoe, co na ka mluv spatra. Ale naopak ten, kdo pome pochopit nco, s m se k setkv pln poprv. Ale je pravda, e metody mm m formln, to jo. (usmv se)

Je pro tebe prce na jihlavskm gymnziu jin tak z toho pohledu, e na nm v minulosti uila i tvoje maminka?
Vnmm to sp ve vztahu k cel kole. Svm zpsobem je to velik kolos, nejvt stedn kola, je tam asi 800 a 900 student. Ale zrove je to trochu vt rodinn kola, generan se to na n to. Nejsem jedin dt svho rodie, kter tam u a jeho rodi tam uil tak. Takovch je tam mnohem vce.

Za ns se kalo, e gymnzium m smysl jen pro studenta, kter nsledn pokrauje dl na vysokou kolu. Plat to pod?
Tahle povst u byla za ns, nm zase kali, e to bylo u za nich… e kdo jde na gympl, dostane tak veobecn vzdln, e mu to trochu zkomplikuje jeho profil. e m ten rybnek tak velik, e je pro nj vlastn asi sloitj najt si ten svj proud. Kdo jde v patncti na odbornou kolu, tak v: jsem na obchodce, budu asi dlat nco s obchodem. Jsem na zdravce, tak budu ve zdravotnictv. Na gymplu student v, e bude mt kus latiny, ti ciz jazyky, matematiku, geometrii, vechny prodn a humanitn pedmty. Bude mt irok obzor, eknme. Ale mus si najt to svoje. V globlu s tm ta dcka problm nemaj, to nevidm.

Take to nutn nemus bt pouze jaksi postupn krok?
Jsou tam jedinci, kte jsou z toho potom trochu neastn, protoe se od nich oekv, e pjdou na vejku. Oni na ni teba nejdou hned po gymplu protoe bu nev, kam by chtli jt, nebo se nedostanou daj si teba rok volna a najdou si to svoje, emu se pak budou vnovat. pln minimum lid tam je, kte jsou trochu gymplt exoti, co kaj: hele, j od zatku vm, e na vejku jt nechci. J budu teba truhl. A nen to nic patnho. Naopak, z nich me bt super truhl, kter bude mt zrove njak zklady djepisu i chemie. A to bude skvl.

Pojme se vrtit k muzice. S Pio Squad jedete ru koncert k albu Torzo. Jak si ji uv?
pln. Jsme kluci, co hraj pes dvacet let. A mme ru rozthlou do celho roku. Obas pijde vc lid, obas mlo. Ale nestuju si, jsem naprosto spokojen. Hrajeme na velkch festivalech, jako byl teba Metronome v Praze. Reakce byla dobr od publika i poadatel. V och fanouk reprezentujeme takov ten klasick rap, kter se ale neboj dlat nov zvukov experimenty.

Posledn album jste vydali loni tsn ped Vnocemi. To byl marketingov tah?
My to tak pln neplnujeme. Sp ekme, a to mme hotov a vme, e je as to vydat. Nkter vci samozejm dohnme na posledn chvli, kdy donahrvme njak tracky. Ale tohle si zrovna sedlo tak, e to bylo na den pesn est let od vydn pedchozho alba Stromy v boui.

Za tch est let se vak hodn zmnilo. Pili jste hned o dva pile va kapely.
Na Stromech v boui jsme byli kompletn, v nejsilnj tylenn sestav. Pak z toho z njakch osobnch dvod vypadl J-Kid, kter jet pomhal 58km nahrvat prvn mix tapy. A pak vypadl i De Puta Madre. Z pvodnch Jinch Pionr jsme tak zstali u jen dva. Proto Torzo, to na tu novou desku sed. Koncept rozpadlho tla, bez konetin.

K zatm poslednmu albu vyly ti klipy, chystte nco dalho?
Plnohodnotn klipy jsou venku dva: ern penzek a Na zastvce. Nejvt party namotvka, kterou jsme to rozjeli, to nen klip, to je jen namotvka. (usmv se) Ale jet mme v zloze jeden krsn pln klip.

Ty i Eurodel jste u vydali tak slov desky. Co bude dl? Budete pokraovat v Pio Squad, nebo se vydte kad svou cestou?
Tm, e mme sv prce, myslm, e vce ne Torzo tour, ten pipravovan klip a njak hostovaky do konce roku nestihneme. A pak zaneme eit, co dalho bude dl. Jestli njak slo projekt, nebo zase Pio. Mme njak npady spolen, ale mm chu udlat i nco svho. Uvidme.

Jsou tu zapkl, zaprdl remcalov. Jakmile na ulici zane hrt hudba, hned ki: ticho, nemu spt! To je hrozn.

Filip Konvalinkao Jihlav a Jihlavcch

U jsi zmioval dal jihlavskou rapovou partiku, 58G. Ta, podobn jako v minulosti Pio Squad, letos zskala cenu Andl za nejlepmožná slyšel o Filipu Konvalinkovi, jihlavském rapperovi a učiteli na místním gymnáziu. Filip ned
detail photograph

What are some of the rewards and challenges that come with being both educators and musicians for Pio Squad

Pio Squad Reflects on their Latest Album and Balancing Teaching

In a recent interview, Czech rap group Pio Squad opened up about their latest album, Torzo, and how they manage their music career alongside their teaching profession. The group, known for their unique blend of rap and Czech lyrics, discussed the challenges and rewards of being both musicians and educators.

The members of Pio Squad have been teaching at a local gymnasium in Jihlava, Czech Republic for several years. They shared their experiences of juggling their teaching responsibilities with their passion for music, describing the dynamic environment of their school.

“At the gymnasium, there are about eighty teachers, each with their own unique personality,” one member explained. “Everyone has their own style. Some are strict and demand discipline, while others are more laid-back. And I definitely fall into the latter category. But that doesn’t mean there is any less pressure. In fact, I often feel more pressure from myself than from anyone else.”

When asked about their teaching style, the group emphasized their approach of treating students as equals and fostering mutual respect. “At our gymnasium, we try to treat students almost like adults, on an equal level,” one member said. “One of our goals is for the teacher not to be seen as someone above them, constantly judging. Instead, we want to be someone who helps them understand things and create a positive learning environment. However, it’s true that I do have some formal methods,” he added with a smile.

The interview also touched upon the personal connection the group members have with their school. One member shared that his mother had also taught at the same gymnasium in the past, creating a familial atmosphere within the institution. “It’s a big school, one of the largest in the area, with around 800-900 students,” he explained. “But it also feels like a bit of a family school, where generations have attended. I’m not the only child of a teacher there, and there are many others like me.”

The conversation then turned to the purpose of a gymnasium and whether it was only meant for students who go on to university. The group debunked this notion, highlighting the value of a well-rounded education. “There was a time when people believed that a gymnasium was only meant for those who would go on to university, and that it would complicate their specialization,” one member said. “But now people realize that it provides a general education that broadens their horizons. It’s up to the individual student to find their own path. I don’t see any issues with that.”

As the interview neared its end, the focus returned to Pio Squad’s music. The group expressed their satisfaction with their ongoing tour in support of their latest album, Torzo. “We’ve been playing music for over twenty years now, and we have a packed schedule throughout the year,” one member said. “Sometimes we play to larger crowds, sometimes smaller, but I’m completely content. We’ve played at big festivals like Metronome in Prague, and the response has been phenomenal.”

Pio Squad’s ability to balance their teaching careers with their music endeavors exemplifies their dedication and talent. Their latest album, Torzo, continues to impress audiences both on and off the stage. With their unique blend of rap and Czech lyrics, Pio Squad is poised to make a lasting impact in the Czech music scene.

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