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Diuretics: How They Work and Natural Laxatives for Water Retention

When you have swollen hands, feet and ankles, it could be an indicator that large amounts of water and salt are present in your body, which becomes quite uncomfortable. About 60 percent of our bodies are water, and maintaining a balance of body fluids is extremely important for optimal health and proper functioning of the body, according to a 2018 article published in BMC Public Health. High blood pressure, heart failure, and kidney dysfunction disrupt the fluid balance in your body, and you will most likely need water retention pills or diuretics to help remove excess water from your body. With that in mind, here’s what you need to know about diuretics, how they work, and when they’re dangerous. In addition, we have selected for you a list of 16 natural laxatives for you to use.

Diuretics are among the most used drugs, shows a 2021 review LiverTox. Although they are available on the market, there are equally effective diuretic foods.

How do diuretics work?

Diuretics are drugs that help the body get rid of extra fluid and salt by increasing the frequency of urination, says a 2021 review in LiverTox. How does it work? They act on the receptors in the kidneys to reduce the absorption of sodium, causing the amount of salt to be eliminated from the body. When salt is removed from the body, water also comes along, leading to reduced water retention. The purpose of diuretics is to balance fluids in the body because, in excess, they can have a negative impact on the lungs, heart and kidneys, making these vital organs work harder, according to a 2021 review in Frontiers. right National Kidney Foundationamong the harmful effects are inflammation and difficulty breathing.

16 laxative naturale

Here is a list of diuretic foods to turn to when you want to get rid of water retention.

1. The tea

Tea contains numerous antioxidants and a low amount of caffeine compared to coffee. This drink can be considered a natural laxative due to the effects it has. For example, hibiscus tea helps eliminate fluids and lower blood pressure, according to a 2022 review published in Pharmaceuticals.

2. Red watermelon

On hot summer days, this sweet, juicy and moisturizing fruit is definitely what you need! Watermelon is known for its diuretic effect, but also because it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. This popular fruit also helps to maintain the balance of fluids in the body, according to a review published in Nutrients.

3. Celery

Celery is a bundle of essential minerals like magnesium, potassium and calcium and contains 95% water. According to a 2021 article published in International Journal of Preventive Medicinecelery is used in Iranian medicine as a diuretic.

4. Coconut water

Although it is quite a trendy drink that has gained popularity among influencers all over the world, it is true that coconut water contains nutrients and polyphenols that improve the hydration and health of the body. Coconut water has multiple benefits, including the presence of electrolytes that help prevent dehydration. Moreover, its diuretic effects were studied in a study published in 2022 in Frontiers in Nutrition.

5. Parsley

An ingredient often used in preparations, especially Mediterranean ones, it also acts as a diuretic. In a 2017 study published in American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology, parsley extract ingested for 15 days produces significant increases in urination frequency.

6. Prunes

Prunes are among the natural laxatives, thanks to their fiber and sorbitol content. A study published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology confirms that prunes help relieve symptoms of constipation.

7. Kiwi

The same study notes that kiwifruit is an option for people who want to get rid of constipation symptoms. Moreover, it does not come with adverse effects!

8. Rhubarb

Rhubarb is also a diuretic food due to its fiber content and other compounds that help with intestinal contractions. So, rhubarb is not only used in cakes, but can also be integrated into salads or pureed.

9. The acacia

Acacia powder is another soluble fiber option that can help with constipation.

10. Oats

Oats are rich in fiber, especially soluble fiber, and fortunately, they can be incorporated into various dishes or eaten for breakfast.

11. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are also rich in soluble fiber that helps relieve constipation. Ideally, leave them in a liquid, be it water or milk, so that they absorb the water and form a gel.

12. Flax seeds

Flax seeds also have laxative properties due to their soluble and insoluble fiber content. They are versatile and can be added to smoothies, muffins or oats with yogurt.

13. Artichokes

Artichokes are rich in inulin, a type of soluble fiber that helps relieve constipation. A study published by Cellular and Molecular Biology shows that artichokes prevent constipation, acne, reduce cholesterol, body mass, and benefit the immune system, gastrointestinal tract, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic infectious diseases, and cardiovascular disease.

14. On kefir

Less studied, kefir shows improvements in constipation. A pilot study published in Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology shows that this probiotic drink relieves symptoms of constipation.

15. The coffee

Coffee contributes to the laxative effect due to caffeine, another antioxidant compound. Decaffeinated coffee has the same effect. Moreover, coffee has a diuretic effect if it is consumed warm, not cold.

16. What

There are many reasons why we need to drink enough water, and avoiding constipation is one of them. A study published in Nutrients confirms that mineral waters rich in magnesium sulfate work as laxatives.

Can these natural laxatives do any harm?

The only natural laxatives mentioned that can harm the body are coffee and tea. Too much caffeine can put your health at risk. Limit coffee consumption to 4 coffees a day, and if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding, limit coffee consumption.

2023-07-14 15:46:10
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