Home » News » Main-Kinzig District Council Approves Hanau’s Independence Bid: What it Means for the City and the District

Main-Kinzig District Council Approves Hanau’s Independence Bid: What it Means for the City and the District

Main-Kinzig district. Hanau may leave the Main-Kinzig district and become an independent city – at least if the Main-Kinzig district council has its way. On Friday morning, a large majority of the district parliament approved the “exclusion” of Hanau, as the step is called from the point of view of the district. A contract between the city and the district was up for vote, which regulates the details of leaving the district, especially financial issues. In Hanau, the city parliament is to vote on the contract on Monday. The final decision lies with the state, because the boundaries of a district can only be changed with a law, i.e. by the state parliament.

As a district-free city, Hanau will in future take on tasks that were previously handled by the district administration. For example, the city is building its own health department. The negotiations on the “freedom of a district” for Hanau were initiated by the city. Five years ago, the city parliament unanimously called for promotion to an independent city. The step is made possible because Hanau has grown in recent years through influx and now more than 100,000 inhabitants has – just like the other independent cities in Hesse, such as Darmstadt and Offenbach. (ev.)

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