Home » Business » Excess mortality in Zoetermeer nursing homes during the hottest summer in the Netherlands

Excess mortality in Zoetermeer nursing homes during the hottest summer in the Netherlands

ANPInhabitants of a nursing home in Zoetermeer, last summer

NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 02:05

In the second quarter of this year, more than 39 thousand people died in the Netherlands, five percent more than expected. That reports the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). In June, there was also excess mortality among people over 65 and residents of nursing homes and care institutions for the disabled, the organization says. This means that the number of deaths is higher than can be explained by the usual fluctuations in the figures.

Statistics Netherlands itself makes a connection with the heat: last June was the warmest June ever measured, about 3 degrees warmer than normal. Research has already shown that mortality rises at higher temperatures, says Statistics Netherlands.

According to the organization, about 1,350 more people died in the second quarter of this year among residents of nursing homes and care facilities for the disabled, about 10 percent more than expected. These deaths mainly occurred between 5 and 25 June, when it was excessively hot in the Netherlands. The same applies to people over 80 (900 more deaths than expected, about 4 percent) and people between 65 and 80 (800 more than expected, about 7 percent).

2023-07-14 00:05:29
#Excess #mortality #June #among #seniors #CBS #links #heat

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