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Consumer Willingness to Support Sustainable Agriculture and Preserve Food Sovereignty: Survey Results

Consumers ready to consume better?

Respondents to Opinionway quiz “say they are ready as consumers to make efforts to facilitate the transition of sectors and installation”reveals the survey carried out in March 2023. They say they are overwhelmingly in favor in particular of buying more seasonal products (99%), increasing the share of local products (99%) and consuming more French/European products (97% ) or under a quality sign (95%).

86% say they are ready to ppay a little more for their food. A gap has been noted between the generations since the youngest are more aware: those under 35 are 41% to say they are very favorable to paying a little more, compared to 32% among those aged 65 and over.

From a sociological point of view, executives and intellectual professions are also more inclined to pay more with a rate of 43% very favorable against 30% for the working classes.

Finally, 78% of respondents are in favor ofa larger share of their taxes go to the agricultural world and 70% are for the financing of agriculture through savings.

Results that contrast with other studies showing on the contrary that the French are reducing their food purchases, in particular because of the rise in prices, as indicated an Odoxa-Backbone Consulting survey for Le Figaro from October 2022 and which concerns 73% of them.

The diversity of the French agricultural model is an asset

The diversity of production, methods and organization of the French agricultural model is an asset for 84% of survey respondents. They are in favor of maintaining strong agriculture because it promotes better nutrition for 89% of them and their health for 85%. The other benefits mentioned are the country’s food sovereignty (83%), the local economy (68%) and employment (63%). According to 82% of them, maintaining a strong agriculture in France would also preserve biodiversity (6%), small-scale agriculture and natural resources.

9 out of 10 respondents find the standardization of agriculture worrying.

The weaknesses of the agricultural system worry the French

To the question “does the retirement of nearly 40% of farmers within ten years seem worrying to you? “, 95% answer yes, including 76%, “yes, a lot”. Other identified risks for agriculture : standardization of practices for 85% of respondents, i.e. 9 out of 10 ; the globalization of trade (89%), distortions of competition (67%) and climate change, a top threat for 79%.

Agriculture would preserve natural resources

As part of the fight against global warming84% of respondents see agriculture as an opportunity for preserve natural resources.

In a context of major changes for the sector, the training of farmers appears as an opportunity for 72% of respondents, as well as diversification such as energy production, tourism or carbon storage, for 57%.

Three proposals for development emerge from the survey

The evolution of production techniques, in particular theagronomy is a very important lever for 72% of respondents, further down, we also find scientific research and innovation (34%). It is also very important to improve working conditions for 70% of respondents and income for 64%. Finally, 53% of participants consider it very important that farmers be supported in their work organization.

Misunderstood digital technology in agriculture

Surprisingly, thehe place of digital technology in agriculture seems to be misunderstood respondents, since only 4 out of 10 see it as an opportunity, while 41% consider it a risk for the profession. 21% of respondents were unable to comment on the subject.

Ensuring food sovereignty with ecological measures

To guarantee France’s agricultural sovereignty, the survey shows the need to adapt production methods. In particular, further open the sector to environmental issues with ecological measures: 4 out of 10 respondents cite these measures spontaneously. More specifically, 23% believe that organic farming should be promoted and 13% support agroecology.

Agricultural demography is a fact cited spontaneously as an important factor of food sovereignty (39%). 18% want to encourage local agriculture on a human scale.

In this part where the respondents were able to freely indicate the ways of favoring food sovereignty, the subjects mentioned spontaneously show an inclination to sometimes restrictive measures (12%), of which: the increase in the number of farmers (7%), the end of mass agriculture (4%), the reduction of intensive breeding (3%), the end of the financing of industrial production (2%), the prohibition of the sale of land to foreign industries in particular (2%) and the restriction of the number of large farms (2%).

Economic measures in favor of agriculture

Spontaneously, respondents cited the most appropriate economic measures in their view for agriculture: ensure a living wage for farmers (7%) or even guarantee remunerative prices for producers (2%), with the idea of ​​developing circuits-courts (5%) or to limit international trade (3%), regulate imports (3%).

Re the heat pump, some (6%) ask that it be directed towards a type of agriculture (small farms or organic farming). THE renewal of generations is also mentioned as a subject favorable to the maintenance of sustainable and viable agriculture, with measures such as support (4%), the creation of collective farming projects (3%), or the accessibility of land prices ( 3%).

Go further

The French were consulted by the Ministry of Agriculture from April 11 to 30, 2023, a consultation carried out by Opinionway on the ministry’s website to which 44,042 people responded online. The survey is available ici

2023-07-11 03:34:22
#Agricultural #orientation #future #law #LOA #Survey #agriculture #tomorrow #good #intentions #French

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