The UN Security Council held a public meeting on the Iranian nuclear issue, and China called on all parties to resume the implementation of the Iran nuclear agreement as soon as possible
Release time: 17:02, July 07, 2023 Source: China News Network
On July 6 local time, the UN Security Council held a public meeting on the Iranian nuclear issue. Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, called on relevant parties to reach a consensus on resuming the complete and effective implementation of the Iran nuclear deal as soon as possible.
Geng Shuang said that the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue is an important achievement of multilateral diplomacy approved by the Security Council resolution, and it is also a key pillar for maintaining the international nuclear non-proliferation system and peace and stability in the Middle East. The previous administration of the United States unilaterally withdrew from the agreement and exerted extreme pressure on Iran, triggering the Iranian nuclear crisis. Since April 2021, all parties have carried out several rounds of pragmatic negotiations under the coordination of the EU, and they are only one step away from resuming compliance. Regrettably, the negotiations have been deadlocked since August last year, and the situation on the Iranian nuclear issue has been experiencing constant ups and downs, and the future prospects have been uncertain. China calls on all relevant parties to cherish the hard-won results of the negotiations, demonstrate political wisdom, remove key obstacles, and reach consensus on resuming the complete and effective implementation of the agreement as soon as possible.
Geng Shuang said that as a permanent member of the Security Council and a participant in the JCPOA, China has always been committed to maintaining the validity of the JCPOA and the authority of the Security Council resolutions, and has always participated in the political and diplomatic resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue with a constructive attitude. China is willing to maintain close contact with all parties to push the comprehensive agreement back on the right track at an early date and maintain the international nuclear non-proliferation system and peace and stability in the Middle East. (making Jiang Lu)
Responsible editor:[Luo Pan]
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2023-07-07 09:02:00