The major indices of Borsa Italiana and the main European financial centers accelerate downwards and lose more than one percentage point. Banks are down
The major indices of Borsa Italiana and the main European financial centers accelerate downwards and lose more than one percentage point.
At 10.20 the FTSEMib was down 1.3% to 27,855 points, while the FTSE Italia All Share it was down 1.27%. Also in red FTSE Italia Mid Cap (-1%) and the FTSE Italia Star (-0,93%).
Il bitcoin it was close to 31,000 dollars (just under 28,500 euros).
Lo spread Btp-Bund it approached 170 points, with the yield on the 10-year BTP exceeding 4.2%.
L’euro it fluctuates around $1.085.
In general, stocks declined banking sector.
BPER Bank started registering a fall of 1.47% to 2.688 euros.
Also stands out the decline of STM (-2,94%).
The trend of remains positive Sara’s, after the leap achieved in the previous session. The stock of the refining company recorded a fractional rise of 0.16% to 1.2705 euros.
Among the smaller capitalization companies focus on Pierrel (-5,73% a 2,5 euro). The company communicated the final terms and conditions of the paid capital increase, for a total maximum value of approximately 70 million euro. The shares will be offered in the ratio of 5 new shares for each Pierrel share held, at the subscription price of 1.529 euros. Furthermore, the company communicated the financial targets for the period 2023/2026.
2023-07-06 08:22:00
#Piazza #Affari #red #FTSEMib #thousand #points