Home » News » Seeking Justice and Accountability for Nahel: Riots Erupt in Response to Police Abuse

Seeking Justice and Accountability for Nahel: Riots Erupt in Response to Police Abuse

After Nahel’s death, killed by a son of a bitch, there were several riots in several cities because we are not safe with the police who abuse their power, they take us for little whores and how many cases like Nahel are not filmed? Justice for Nahel, justice for our brother, he hits we hit he shoots we shoot go burn Nîmes and Toulouse to avenge our frr who died because of a dirty whore who in addition has a kitty of more than 1M €, nn nn nn go burn Nîmes and Toulouse, burn everything destroy everything looted here is revenge for a brother who died much too soon!!!

2023-07-06 01:28:54
#riots #Nîmes #Toulouse #Justice #Nahel

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