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Consequences of Sleep Deprivation for Health: Risks and Solutions

KOMPAS.com – Lack of sleep does not only cause the body to feel weak and have no energy.

Those of you who are sleep deprived can have a greater risk of experiencing more serious health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and depression.

Getting enough sleep every night or at least for 7 hours is very necessary to support general health.

Find out more about the consequences of sleep deprivation for health and how to overcome them below.

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Consequences of lack of sleep for health

Some people will experience sleep deprivation for just a few days, while others will experience it for weeks to months.

In fact, getting enough and quality sleep is very important because it helps the body to regulate brain function and physical health in general.

Reporting from the Cleveland Clinic, there are several consequences of lack of sleep for health if it lasts for a long time, such as:

Have a higher risk of experiencing high blood pressure and high cholesterol which adversely affect heart health Higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes Makes the body’s immune system weak so it is more susceptible to infection and gets sick More sensitive to physical pain so feel or experience more intense pain Have a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s Make it more difficult for the body to manage emotions making it more susceptible to experiencing symptoms of mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression Increase the risk of premature aging and the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

In the short term, there are other health problems that will be experienced as a result of sleep deprivation, such as:

Experiencing decreased alertness, even after only 1.5 hours of sleep deprivation Feeling more sleepy and tired during the day Decreased memory and ability to think and process information Makes feelings changeable and thus more prone to conflict with others Makes the body weak so energetic that they tend to lose interest in doing daily activities or exercising

In addition, lack of sleep can also exacerbate existing health problems, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, stroke, depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure.

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How to overcome sleep deprivation

Getting enough sleep every night or at least for 7 hours is very necessary to maintain physical and mental health.

Changing habits is necessary so that you can get enough sleep.

Reporting from the Sleep Foundation, there are several ways to deal with sleep deprivation that can be done, such as:

Prioritize bedtime and set the same sleep schedule every day, including on weekends Reduce stress that can reduce sleep quality, such as listening to calming music, writing in a journal, and doing stretches before going to bed Get at least 30 minutes of sun exposure a day and turning off the lights before going to bed to regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, or biological clock that regulates waking and sleeping time Reduce consumption of caffeine, especially at night before bedtime Avoid taking too long or no more than 30 minutes of naps Exercise regularly or for at least 30 minutes a day to get a good night’s sleep

While generally not a serious medical problem, sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health.

By understanding the consequences of sleep deprivation for health above, you can take the necessary precautions.

However, you are advised to seek medical help immediately if you have difficulty sleeping for several days even though you have changed your habits or are accompanied by other symptoms, such as difficulty breathing.

Also read: Correct sleeping position, right or left?

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2023-07-02 15:00:00
#Effects #Lack #Sleep #Health #Overcome #Kompas.com

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