Israel’s Under-21 Team Advances to Semi-Finals of European Championship
The Israeli youth team is celebrating their victory and advancement to the semi-finals of the Under-21 European Championship. The team’s goalkeeper, Daniel Perec, played a crucial role in their success, making several important saves and stopping Gagua’s penalty shot in the third series. In the fifth series, Chvadagiani hit the ball against the post.
Perec was awarded the Man of the Match title. “It’s an honor, but I believe that players are under more pressure during penalty shootouts. It was a team effort, so I want to share this award with my teammates,” said Daniel Perec.
The match, held in Tbilisi, was attended by 44,338 spectators, setting a new attendance record for a single game in the Under-21 European Championship in Georgia and Romania. So far, the tournament has attracted a total of 250,746 fans, surpassing the previous record of 243,995 spectators set in the 2017 championship in Poland.
The young Israeli footballers are experiencing another unexpected success following their third-place finish in the recent Under-20 World Cup.
The Under-21 European Championship:
The match took place on July 1, 2023, at 18:00.
Mamardashvili – Azarovi, Sazonov, Kalandadze, Gelashvili (46. Chvadagiani) – Citajshvili (70. Moiscrapišvili), Mekvabišvili (C), L. Gagnidze (97. Guljašvili), Gočolejšvili – Davitašvili, Gagua.
Peretz – Lemkin, Gandelman, Cohen (C) – Jaber (106. Khalaily), Azulay (80. Bilu), Karzev (51. Hofmayster), Gloukh, Hajaj (91. Morgan) – Turgeman (113. Abu Rumi), Gorno (63. Layous).
Kaličava, Kutaladze – Kapanadze, Sigua, Chorcheli, Mamageišvili, Lominadze, Džindžolava.
Tzarfati – Blorian, Bar, Preda.
Yellow cards:
66. Citajšvili
49. Karzev, 86. Peretz, 104. Turgeman, 105. Hofmayster, 117. Abu Rumi
Referees: Eskås (NOR) – Engan (NOR), Bashevkin (NOR)
The Under-21 European Championship:
The match took place on July 1, 2023, at 21:00.
68. S. Gómez
103. Miranda
90+1. Amdouni
Tenas – V. Gómez (100. Veiga), Paredes, Pacheco, Miranda – Blanco (100. Martínez), Baena (78. Bernabé) – R. Sánchez (87. Barrenetxea), Sancet (78. Oroz), S. Gómez (120. Gila) – Ruiz (C).
Saipi – Blum (104. Omeragić), Stergiou (C), Amenda, Vouilloz – Jashari (73. Barès), Rieder (58. Sohm) – Males (73. Stojilković), Imeri (85. Di Giusto), Ndoye (85. Von Moos) – Amdouni.
Agirrezabala, Román – Guillamón, Riquelme, M. Sánchez, Camello.
Ammeter, Keller – Burch, Müller, Kronig, Krasniqi.Izraelští mladíci postoupili do semifinále Mistrovství Evropy hráčů do 21 let po dramatickém čtvrtfinálovém zápase proti Gruzii. Hrdinou utkání se stal izraelský brankář Daniel Perec, který si připsal několik důležitých zákroků a v penaltovém rozstřelu chytil pokus gruzínského hráče Gagu. Perec za svůj výkon obdržel cenu pro hráče utkání, ale s pokorou ji sdílel s ostatními členy týmu.
Zápas mezi Izraelem a Gruzií sledovalo v Tbilisi 44 338 diváků, čímž se šampionát v Gruzii a Rumunsku opět stal rekordmanem v návštěvnosti na jednom utkání Eura do 21 let. Celkově se na turnaj dostavilo již 250 746 fanoušků, čímž bylo překonáno dosavadní maximum z mistrovství v Polsku v roce 2017.
Mladí izraelští fotbalisté tak zažívají další úspěch po třetím místě na nedávném mistrovství světa hráčů do 20 let. Jejich cesta na Mistrovství Evropy hráčů do 21 let pokračuje a fanoušci jsou nadšeni z jejich výkonů.
V dalším čtvrtfinálovém zápase se utkali Španělsko a Švýcarsko. Španělé zvítězili 2:1 po prodloužení a postoupili také do semifinále. Góly vstřelili S. Gómez a Miranda, zatímco za Švýcarsko se trefil Amdouni.
Semifinálové zápasy jsou na programu 3. července. Izrael se utká s Španělskem a Německo se střetne s Nizozemskem. Oba zápasy slibují napínavé souboje a fanoušci se mohou těšit na kvalitní fotbal.
Mistrovství Evropy hráčů do 21 let pokračuje v napínavých soubojích a mladí fotbalisté bojují o prestižní titul. O další výsledky a postupujících týmech vás budeme průběžně informovat.
Santini – Šutalo, Vusković, Vasilj, Glavičić – Palaversa (60. Jovičević), Moro (87. Bistrović), Ivanušec (65. Majer) – Oršić (90. Gavranović), Vlašić – Brekalo.
Israel’s Under-21 team has secured their spot in the semi-finals of the Under-21 European Championship after a thrilling victory. Goalkeeper, Daniel Perec, played a pivotal role in their success, making crucial saves throughout the match and even stopping Gagua’s penalty shot in the third series. Chvadagiani also missed an opportunity to score for their opponents in the fifth series when he hit the ball against the post. Perec’s outstanding performance earned him the Man of the Match title, although he credited his teammates for the win.
The game, which took place in Tbilisi, was witnessed by a record-breaking 44,338 spectators, making it the most attended single game in the history of the Under-21 European Championship in Georgia and Romania. Overall, the tournament has attracted a staggering total of 250,746 fans, surpassing the previous record set in the 2017 championship in Poland, which drew 243,995 spectators.
This success for the young Israeli footballers comes on the heels of their impressive third-place finish in the recent Under-20 World Cup. They continue to surpass expectations and prove their talent on the international stage.
The quarterfinals match details and lineups are as follows:
Match: Under-21 European Championship Quarterfinals
Date and Time: July 1, 2023, at 18:00
Mamardashvili – Azarovi, Sazonov, Kalandadze, Gelashvili (46. Chvadagiani) – Citajshvili (70. Moiscrapišvili), Mekvabišvili (C), L. Gagnidze (97. Guljašvili), Gočolejšvili – Davitašvili, Gagua.
Peretz – Lemkin, Gandelman, Cohen (C) – Jaber (106. Khalaily), Azulay (80. Bilu), Karzev (51. Hofmayster), Gloukh, Hajaj (91. Morgan) – Turgeman (113. Abu Rumi), Gorno (63. Layous).
Kaličava, Kutaladze – Kapanadze, Sigua, Chorcheli, Mamageišvili, Lominadze, Džindžolava.
Tzarfati – Blorian, Bar, Preda.
Yellow Cards:
66. Citajšvili
49. Karzev, 86. Peretz, 104. Turgeman, 105. Hofmayster, 117. Abu Rumi
Referees: Eskås (NOR) – Engan (NOR), Bashevkin (NOR)
In another quarterfinals match of the Under-21 European Championship, which took place on the same day at 21:00, the goals were scored by S. Gómez and Miranda for one team, and Amdouni for the opposing team. The complete lineups are as follows:
Tenas – V. Gómez (100. Veiga), Paredes, Pacheco, Miranda – Blanco (100. Martínez), Baena (78. Bernabé) – R. Sánchez (87. Barr