Earlier, Honor announced through its official social platform that it will release the Honor X50 5G mobile phone in the Chinese market on July 5. This mid-level new phone is hailed by Honor as the “peak of ten years” of the X series. Although the official did not give any further explanation, a well-known technology blogger helped Honor supplementary disclosure of the X50 5G on Weibo. basic specifications.
Screen + ultra-long battery life is the selling point. According to the whistleblower @数码问话站 uploaded, it is claimed to be the official promotional image of Honor. It can be seen that the Honor X50 5G will use a 1.5K ultra-clear eye-protecting curved screen, and the first launch will use the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 5G processor , providing up to 16GB RAM and 512GB storage, while the built-in battery capacity reaches 5,800mAh. It can be clearly seen from the official promotional picture that there are two lenses in the circular camera module on the back of the machine, and the main lens is 108 million pixels.
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A senior executive of Honor shared a short video on Weibo, saying that the X50 product R&D team has produced a “ten-sided drop-resistant hard-core curved screen” through structure and material innovation, and the factory also used it as a selling point in the promotional copy. It is worth noting that the 4nm process Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 processor was released in September last year. It was originally planned that manufacturers would adopt and launch mobile phones in the first quarter of this year, but the Honor X50 5G, which is currently the first release, will not be released until the third quarter.