Something strange is happening with the largest social portals on the Internet. Those social networks that have not yet turned into a terrible amalgamation of instagram, tiktok and messenger are actively self-flagellation. An example of this is another change to Twitter, making it even more useless. Now Twitter has stopped displaying posts to users who are not logged in. In other words, if you don’t have an account, then no more tweets.
Until recently, users who weren’t logged in could still view tweets and user profiles, but now they’ll either have to sign up for an account or enter their login credentials to see what another meme picture “stolen” by Twitter owner Elon Musk Today.
Twitter has been silent on the matter, as one of Musk’s first steps after he took over the company was to effectively eliminate the public relations team. But as early as April, users who were not logged in could not use Twitter’s search function.
It is not yet clear what consequences such actions may have, but it is unlikely to cause enthusiasm. Moreover, it can also be a hindrance for services that collect data from public platforms such as Twitter.
Restricting the visibility of tweets to only registered users will not necessarily encourage people to create an account. Rather, it will lead to people simply sharing screenshots of tweets rather than links, negatively affecting the potential reach of posts. What’s more, the annoyance effect of tweets being essentially taken hostage may encourage many to leave the platform in search of something less aggressive.
Research shows that most U.S. adults are spending less time on Twitter since Musk bought the platform. It would seem that Twitter should be doing everything possible to attract more attention to tweets, and, by extension, ads, but instead, Musk is doing just that, which reduces conversions. And this is after Musk was forced to agree to a $44 billion deal, when in reality, Twitter is absolutely not worth that kind of money, as annual earnings reports indicate.
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2023-07-01 07:00:00