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July Thunder Full Moon in Capricorn: Astrological Effects and Health Tips

The July full moon, the seventh full moon this year, awaits us on Monday, July 3, 2023 at 1:38 PM in the earth sign of Capricorn. July’s full moon is sometimes called the full moon of thunderstorms or thunderstorms, because it is in this month that the strongest summer thunderstorms occur. But you can also find other names for it: raspberry, salmon or deer full moon, because it is at this time that male deer sprout new antlers.

Thunder Full Moon in Capricorn

They say that Cancers are the most tenacious signs of the zodiac, and it’s true. It is a sign of winter that can keep hope for the next rich harvest deep in the frozen earth. And this will be the character of this full moon: it can extract from you the purest and truest thing that is in you and what you can use for your future. It puts you firmly on the ground, you start looking at your life realistically and practically. And they will also reward you fairly for your efforts: if you give your best, don’t underestimate yourself and believe in your inner values, the well-deserved sweet reward will come.

Who will do the most

Whatever you call the July full moon, the fact is that under its influence the earth signs – Capricorns, Tauruses and Virgos – should thrive the most, but this may not be quite true. Capricorns may experience tension in their partner relationships, Tauruses may be put to the test of friendship for a change, and Virgos may get confused senselessly or fall into their distractions. However, if everyone shows patience, the will to clarify problems and find suitable solutions, they too will enjoy days of well-deserved rest and summer comfort.

However, Pisces will definitely prosper, as they will be unusually self-disciplined and will discover a piece of land in their soul. A very favorable energy will also affect Cancers and Aquarius, the heavens will reward them for their diligence, hard work and organization. The full moon will offer Aries new friendships and social contacts, and it can also bring them a dream job, Leos, on the other hand, unexpected summer love, and Sagittarius success on their home field – it will give them pleasant moments in a family environment. Libra and Gemini, in turn, will understand that the future that opens before them is fully in their hands. Scorpios should be careful with finances and not spend on stupid things.

Photo: Westend61 – GettyImages.com

The July full moon may have an unexpected summer romance for Leos and help Cancers gain stability in their relationship Photo: Westend61 – GettyImages.com

To whom a thunderous full moon can be fatal

Since the full moon occurs at 11° Capricorn, i.e. right from the edge of the second decan of this sign, its effect will most affect people who were born around the tenth day of the signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo, but also the sign of Cancer, for whom this full moon will be especially important. Cancers will finally be able to achieve balance and stability in partner relationships.

This full moon gave excellent energy to people born at the turn of February and March under the sign of Pisces. The effect of this full moon can also be affected by those who have the 11° sign of Capricorn and Cancer emphasized in their personal horoscope, or who were born under a full moon.

Focus on health and exercise

The sign of Capricorn affects the skeleton, knees, posture and movement. If you do something beneficial for these parts of the body during the days around the full moon, you will do double good. You should also take care of the skin, which can report that something is wrong in the body. You can also treat yourself to a massage and spend enough time exercising in the fresh air. Walks and nature – this is a guaranteed recipe for health, and not only on the days of the full moon in the sign of Capricorn.

2023-07-01 03:00:37
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