Binge Eating Disorder
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is an eating disorder not as well known as anorexia and bulimia. It is characterized by repeated binge eating in which a person consumes large amounts of food in a short period of time without stopping. Although BED has been in the DSM-5, a handbook and classification system for mental illness, for a decade, little is known about this disorder because it is little talked about or reported on. Clinical psychologist Alexandra Dingemans emphasizes this in an interview with NOS on 3: “I think it’s so bad that people suffer from this disease for years without knowing it, while good treatment is possible.” It is important to note that BED is not the same as bulimia nervosa, although both eating disorders have similarities. People with bulimia also experience binge eating, but then feel the urge to get rid of the food by vomiting, exercising excessively, and/or using laxatives. However, someone with BED does not do this.
2023-06-30 16:16:12
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