Amado Martínez de Iturrate and Ribera Baja Bizirik have won the elections in Ribera Baja. This independent group has managed to double its representation in the municipal plenary session, and goes from 2 to 4 councilors with the opposition to the TAV as its banner.
In the last term, the PNV governed with the support of the only councilor of the PSE. A PSE that has lost its only representative, like the also independent Aerbi, which did not show up. Thus, the plenary session is left with 4 representatives from RBB, 3 from the PNV and 2 from the PP.
Loved Martinez of Iturrate.
On the other hand, Campezo, Peñacerrada, Elciego and Lapuebla de Labarca will maintain their governments of independent platforms. And all with absolute majorities. All of them have met expectations and have won in their respective municipalities.
in Campezo, Hello, con Ibernalo Basterra a la cabeza, has expanded its representation and already has up to 7 councilors out of the 9 in the municipality. Thus, he snatches 1 more councilor from the PNV, which has gone from 4 to 2 in the last two elections.
in Elciego, Zieko Bai has reissued its absolute majority, although it has done so with less margin than in 2019. Elciego is one of the towns that has lost councilors these elections, going from 9 to 7.
Juan Carlos Uribe He will be mayor again with 4 representatives, in his first elections as leader, after the death of the previous mayor, Luis Aldazabal. He will have 2 from the PSE-EE and 1 from the PP in opposition.
With an absolute majority, he will also govern Juan José Betolaza in Peñacerrada, who reissues his victory with 5 councilors out of 7 possible, also expanding the mass of voters. PNV has obtained the other two councilors.
Finally, in Lapuebla de Labarca, Lapuebla Advance and Maria Teresa Cordoba They will rule again. And they will also do so with 5 of the 7 councillors, expanding their representation by one more. As in Peñacerrada, the PNV will have the other two councilors.
Some victories that must also be added that of the simple majority in Treviño, with two independent formations in the first two positions.
Defeat in Joy
The cross for the independent formations has arrived in Alegría-Dulantzi, where the formation of Koldo Garitagoitia has been surpassed by the PNV. For their part, Zambrana and Berantevilla, governed in recent years by independent formations, have changed their government after the dissolution of both groups.
#Amado #Martínez #Iturrate #gana #Riberabeitia #Ribera #Baja #Vizirik